I would very much like to be able to use my KX2 as a remote control head
for my K3. Some usage details below:

- Use the RCForb software (remotehams) to control my K3.  So if the KX2
supported terminal mode, I believe it would be able to remote control any
rig via RCForb.

- Having the built-in paddles send CW via the KY commands (and also ideally
by having them generate the RTS/DTR serial port signals used by RCForb for
local paddles) would be great as well.  Local side tone generated by the
KX2 would also be great.

- In my opinion, integrating the audio back through the KX2 speaker is not
important at all, the computer audio works fine.

- Even though the KX2 control set is smaller than that of the K3, it would
still be very nice to see the display and use some of the knobs/buttons to
access some of the more useful controls.  The KX2 is designed with a lot of
pragmatic attention to conserving space, so those knobs are typically all I
use most of the time anyway.

I'd be happy with any subset of the above features. I currently use a K3/0
Twin which takes up a fair bit of desk space, and would prefer to use my
KX2 for controlling the remote station most of the time, particularly for
casual operating or DXing.  The operating position where I operate from
when using the remote setup is a smallish desk with a slim iMac and not
much extra space.

Matt NQ6N

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 7:09 PM, kevino z z_kev...@hotmail.com [KX3] <
kx3-nore...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> I’d really like to be able to use my KX2 to control my KX3.. Is that an
> option or is only the K series the lucky one?
> No trees were killed in the sending of this message. However, a large
> number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced !
> > On Dec 21, 2017, at 20:42, Wayne Burdick <n...@elecraft.com> wrote:
> >
> > A number of KX2 owners have asked whether they could use the rig as a
> “terminal” to control a remote radio. This may be possible to a limited
> degree.
> >
> > This can already be done with a K3, K3S, or K3/0-Mini. All three can do
> 100% control of a remote K3 or K3S, including 1:1 display mapping.
> >
> > On the smaller end of the scale, you can use a KX3 in “RIG CTRL” mode to
> do limited control of a remote KX3, K3, or K3S. Page 28 of the KX3 owner’s
> manual provides more information on this. A small number of basic functions
> is provided, including VFO, band change, mode change, AF gain, etc.
> >
> > The rigs can be connected together with a null-modem TTL/RS232 cable (2
> wires + ground) or through a simple server app. Receive audio, mic, and
> keyer paddle must be handled separately from the control stream.
> >
> > The question is whether there’s enough interest to justify adding such
> functionality to the KX2. Like the KX3, the KX2 would only provide certain
> basic controls.
> >
> > We’re open to discussion about this (on the list or to me privately).
> Please include a short description of the application you have in mind. It
> could be as simple as this: using a KX2 on one side of a large shack to
> control a K3/K3S on the other side. This would be my motivation, since my
> primary work computer is out of reach of the K3S setup.
> >
> > 73,
> > Wayne
> > N6KR
> >
> >
> >
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