Yes, I remember "Mr. Cigar" out of NYC very well.

In late 1966 (or Jan 1967?) I approached the NYC Federal Bldg with my
mom (I was 14).  There was a female guard/receptionist just inside the
entrance.  She looked at me, my mom, and said, "Here for your FCC
test?" and told us the floor - which I forget now.

It was a long elevator ride up and the sissors-gated pathway finally
opened up.  The place was old and filthy with long hallways (at least
that's how I remember it).

Walking in, there he was (others had warned me).  There was a row of
desks along the wall opposite from the windows (which had 100 years of
filth on them).  I was seated at the first desk with a straight key.
I copied what was sent and after some waiting, got the nod.  Then it
was my turn to send.

I touched the heavily patina-ed key, but it didn't send anything.  I
mentioned this and was moved down a few desks.

I touched that key and whomever was there before me, had it set to one
molecule spacing.  Just breathing on it caused it to key.  I mentioned
this (again) but now was told, "This is the standard key.  Either send
on it or you fail."  I grabbed the knurled, brass set screws and, with
all of my might, tried to loosen it up.  Nothing.  I tried again.
Nothing.  Mr. F was getting annoyed.  I gave it one last try.  POP!
the thing loosed up a mile wide.  He said, "SEND."  So I starting
sending the text.  The gap must have been 1/4 inch..I was REALLY
pounding the brass and it sound like I was hammering a nail.

I clearly recall EVERYBODY in the room stopping what they were doing
and looking at me.  Gawd!  But I kept sending.  Mr. F was not happy
with my L's and told me so.  "It was the spacing," I said.  He said,
"Let me hear 5 L's."  UGH!  I managed to get them out and he said OK.
I'm sure I was sweating to death.  Looking around, everybody was still
starring at me but they soon went back to their exams when they saw
that I was finally done bothering them.

A day I shall never forget.  Of course, after passing (on my first
try), my mom swung by Harrison Radio.  Wow....

de Doug KR2Q
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