Well, I tried! VY2/W1OH here on vacation east of Charlottetown, PEI. Have the KX1 (#1317) at about 4 watts plus a real antenna: 80M doublet fed with twinlead at about 55 feet, and facing west about 100 yards from saltwater! Unfortunately, the band was changing rapidly, I guess, at our sunset (fabulous sunset, BTW! Always great here!) . One moment Kevin was reasonably strong, and had just got my call, I think, then poof! QSB took signals right out and I didn't hear more than a couple of peeps after that - oh, well! Great fun to try from Prince Edward Island, especially after a weekend with a bit of IOTA then the FOBB contest!

For some pictures and a writeup of my stay at the same place and setup (but pre-KX1) last summer (2005), see my website:

http://gimli.whoi.edu/pei05-w1oh.html  Prince Edward Island 2005 - VY2/W1OH

geoff - VY2/W1OH (for about 5 more days)
Research Engineer              Upper Ocean Processes Group
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution   Woods Hole, MA, USA

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