Good Evening,
It was fun to hear from you all again this evening. I am very curious about what Bill is up to but I'll get more later :) 2 inches of snow definitely had my interest piqued. Propagation was unpredictable. Tom in Missouri was weak but Dan in Georgia was much better than he was as the mystery guest on ECN/1. Ric in Ontario was very strong but not to be beaten by Ken in Fargo. Curt in Hawaii was another surprise. His rig on the big island was putting out a very nice signal. Oh, by the way, Dan could hear you much better than I on 20 meters. He gave me an S 0.05 if I remember correctly but you were solid copy for him. What ever antenna you have up is working very nicely Curt. Do not change it!! Roger in Washington was problematic for me. I heard WA7 very loudly and then your signal was like my brother-in-law's curve ball, it simply fell off the table. I had to get a relay from Tom and missed some of it. Bill in ?? (not CT??) was jumping from good to not so hot but I got over 80% copy. I can not tell you how much I missed running the net last week. Two weeks between Elecraft nets is far too long. It is the social event of the week for me :) Yes, indeed, I have no life. But you folks really improve things when Sunday afternoon comes around. Ms. Patricia enjoys her peace and quiet and listens for my laugh from the next room. If you have ever wanted to join us on the net please do. We have a bit of fun while exchanging news, weather, and signal reports. A few sentences to each op and we have a good time. Each time they come back and say hello is like going over to Grandma's house and eating fresh bread around the cook stove. Nothing special, just homey and comfortable (and the fresh bread of course!) If we need help getting another op's call sign to welcome them to the fold others give a hand and get them checked in. Then the next time or two later you are greeted by name.
   Well enough of that :)  On to the list:

WG4S - Dan - GA - K2 - 2456
N0SS - Tom - MO - K2 - 008
AH6RE - Curt - HI - KX1 - 464
VE3XL - Ric - ON - K1 - 968
WA7BOC - Roger - WA - K2 - 755
W0CZ - Ken - ND - K2 - 1031
K1EV - Bill - CT??? - K2 - 2152

Thanks to you all for making this a fun Sunday activity. I hope it lasts a good long time.
   73 for now,
      Kevin.  KD5ONS  (Net Control Operator 5th Class)
      K2/100 #2511
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