Eric, WB9JNZ, our normal able bodied net control station was AWOL this week.  
Rumor has it he was off flying his RC aircraft.  Without his guidance we 
somehow managed to stumble through the Sunday morning Elecraft SSB net.  With 
relay the help from Steve WM6P, Brian K1NW, Phil NS7P, and Roger N4NWR 28 check 
ins were heard and even Peter ZL1PWD was able to appease the propagation Gods 
from New Zealand.

Today's check ins included:

WM6P    Steve   GA      K3S     11453
NS7P    Phil            OR      K3      1826
K1NW    Brian   RI      K3      4947
K6FW    Frank   CA      K3S     11672
W1NGA   Al              CO      K3      5765
N7BDL   Terry   AZ      K3S     10373
AE6JV   Bill            CA      K3      6299
N6PGQ   Bob             CA      K3      5891
KS6F    Guy             CA      K3S     10650
W7QHD   Kurt            AZ      K2      1538
NS7P    Phil            OR      K3      1826
KE7HGE  Ken             WA      KX3     4540
N0EHQ   Ed              IA      K3      242
W4DML   Doug    TN      K3      6433
N4PL    Walt    GA      K3      8064
K7JG    John    WA      K3      3519
ZL1PWD  Peter   NZ      K3      139
W2APF   Thaire  NH      K3S     11656
N0MPM   Mike    IA      K3S     10514
W3REM   Bob             CO      Yaesu FT-991A
AD1G    Dick    MA      KX3     10591
N4NRW   Roger   SC      K3      1318
AB9V    Mike    IN      K3S     11750
WW4JF   John    TN      Icom 7000 (K3S 11177)
W0LMK   Le Roy  TX      K3      6878
AB5SI   Jim             CO      Ten-Tec 540
VE7MRP  Dan             BC      Yaesy FT-1000D
NC0JW   Jim             CO      KX3     1356

As a reminder the Elecraft SSB Net meets every Sunday at 1800 UTC on or about 
14.3035 MHz.  Our Net Control Station is Eric, WB9JNZ, in Chicago, IL.  With 
Propagation being a bit tricky these days we employ several relay stations 
located through out the continental USA.  As conditions permit we take 
questions and comments after our check ins. 


Jim White - NC0JW

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