
I'm investigating low power output from my KPA100 and have scanned the LPFs
as suggested in the troubleshooting section.  My results were as follows:

Using an MFJ259 and having checked that MFJ output freq matches freq on K2
ie MFJ is aligned, I scanned low pass filters.  Here is the synopsis of the

160m - Approx 1.0 from below 1.73MHz to 2.25MHz, climbs to 1.5 at 2.50MHz

80m - Approx 1.0 from 2.00MHz, starts climbing at 3.25MHz but approx 1.1 to

40m/30m - Approx 1.0 from 5.00MHz, starts climbing at 9.25MHz (1.2),
10.00MHz (1.5), 10.8MHz (1.2), dips at 11.00MHz (1.0) and climbs again
11.26MHz (1.2) and 11.36MHz (1.5)

20m/17m - Approx 1.0 from 13.40MHz, starts climbing at 15.00MHz (1.05),
15.50MHz (1.18), 16.00MHz (1.2), 16.50MHz (1.35), past 17.00MHz over 1.5

15m/12m/10m - Approx 1.5 from 20.00MHz to 25MHz, dips 25.50MHz (1.2),
26.00MHz (1.15), 26.50MHz (1.0), stays down and rises at 28.00MHz (1.2),
28.50MHz (1.2), 29.00MHz (1.5)

Has anyone else scanned the filters in this fashion, especially for a KPA
delivering full output power/  If so, what were the results, ie I'm looking
to see what is considered normal. Did anyone else have LPF issues and what
were they?

K2 #2599

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