K3 #125 with KRX3 FW:  uC 2.73, d1 1.98, d2 1.98, Fl 00.02, dr 00.05

Installed new DVR, Set Config:KDVR3 nor, cycled power several times.
Using the information published in the MCU 2.72 release notes.

The K3 is in USB mode

When I tap REC then tap M1 (or M2 or m3 or m4), the system goes through the motions of recording and count down apparently correctly. I also hear my voice in the monitor. I tap M1 to stop recording. All looks correct so far.

Now when I tap M1 to play the message I see a momentary blip on the red TX light but no message playback.

If I hold the M1 the repeat message shows up and every few seconds I see the TX blip as the repeat function seems to work.

I get the same result with the VOX on or off, TX test mode on or off.

Testing the logic using AF REC also seems to go through the motions of recording but when I press AF PLAY the display immediately says END.

So it all works but no play back, possibly no recording.
The buttons seem to work OK and the CW record and playback work just fine.

Any suggestions as to what I might be missing?

John KH7T

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