Re: [Elecraft] K3 owners: please load the latest firmware (rev 3.11)

2009-04-25 Thread Dave G4AON
Roland, I've tried VOX on and off on both CW and SSB. I also tried the same with and without "auto VOX off" in the menu (CW WGHT in config, press 4 to toggle on/off). I cannot reproduce the problem you describe... My VOX appears to be independent between CW and SSB/AM/DATA (which are all lumped to

[Elecraft] K3 owners: please load the latest firmware (rev 3.11)

2009-04-24 Thread wayne burdick
Hi all, We're hoping that the latest K3 beta firmware, revision 3.11 (DSP 2.15) will go to "production" firmware status next week. While 3.11 doesn't have everything that everyone has asked for, it's a huge step forward from the previous production revision (2.78). To ensure that 3.11 meets ou