
Well, the info you (Wayne, Lyle) have provided so far is just great
and totally impressive.  My mouth is watering and I'm getting ready to
dump (I mean sell) my other radios, except for my K2.

So you have provided an estimate of when delivery will start...thanks.

Just what is your production capability and ramp up time by month?  If
you get 1000 orders within 30 days of Dayton, when would expect Radio
#1000 to go out?

[Although I do note that radio 05000 is already "pictured" on the web..LOL]

If I want a radio (or two) in hand for "contest season," how "late"
could I order and be assured of actuallyl having it in hand?  This
question is designed so as to prompt some thinking.  I am not looking
for a "concrete" answer, which is probably impossible at this point.

One of the big dissatifiers with other brands is Great Hype followed
by very delayed and/or very, very slow delivery (aka "trickle").  You
clearly have your design ducks in a about your production
ducks?  Is Lisa growing more arms?

de Doug KR2Q
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