Try re-tuning the KAT3 auto tuner, or bypassing it.
Try tightening the 3 LPA screws on the bottom (the ones with lock washers).

On 2/9/2012 4:07 PM, Tom Kramer wrote:
> I am a new person in this group and I will admit that I have not looked at 
> many of the hundreds of previous posts so I will apologize in advance for 
> being a bit lazy if this topic has been dealt with before.
> I have a home assembled K3 SN 4210 that has developed a most annoying 
> problem. I have exchanged a number of emails with Gary Surrency about this 
> with basically no conclusion and an apparent lack of desire to solve it.
> I discovered that when attempting to transmit between 24,910.0 and 24,930.0 
> the swr bar graph shows a pulsating full scale reading and the dial reads SWR 
> between 9:1 and 12:1, and power output of maybe 20 watts. Outside this range 
> SWR is normal and power output is full 100 watts. This can be into a resonant 
> antenna or dummy load.
> I have done the synthesizer calibration preceded of course by the ADC ref 
> calibration multiple times. I sent Gary a list of all the parameters 
> outputted by these tests and he says all look to be in the normal range. I 
> have since discovered that the same problem appears between 28,500 and 29,000 
> Khz as well. I am trying to keep this somewhat short so I didn't supply every 
> detail of the testing.
> Have other people experienced this and what if any solution did you find? 
> Gary suggests a new synthesizer board @ $200+ but no at this point there is 
> no guarantee that will fix the problem.  I have made arrangements to test 
> this with another K3 next week, but curious if this problem is something new.
> Tom NQ7R
> Casa Grande, AZ
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