Re: [Elecraft] KX1 antenna help

2008-02-07 Thread John W2XS
"I am wondering what the groups opinions are about the best end fed antenna lengths would be for taking my newly built KX1 mobile? " For 40, 30, and 20 meters, I use a 42-foot wire with a large nut on the end. The wire is thrown over a tree branch. A Pomona BNC-to-Bindng Posts adaptor is used.

[Elecraft] KX1 antenna help

2008-02-06 Thread Dohn
Hello all. I am wondering what the groups opinions are about the best end fed antenna lengths would be for taking my newly built KX1 mobile? I have a bunch of #534 wire from wireman coming today. My KX1 has the 30/80 board and ATU on board as well. I would assume that radials would b