
FYI, I just finished upgrading my KX1 to a four band radio! It is now capable of 20m, 30m, 40m, and 80m. Assembly of the new module for 30 and 80 meters was straightforward and well worth the effort. Ron produced an excellent instruction manual that greatly simplfied the process. Many thanks to Wayne and Eric for allowing me to be one of the field testers for the new module.

I'll be in Folsom CA on a business trip this week and will be on the air in the evenings near the QRP frequencies on 80m and 40m. Give me a shout!


Spence W7CSW

FYI, I'm not affiliated with Elecraft other than owning a KX1 and a K2 and I LOVE THEIR PRODUCTS! I recommend the upgrade to anybody wanting more than three bands on the KX1.

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