To: John Lawrence
Cc: w3fpr ; elecraft
Sent: Thu, May 29, 2014 9:31 am
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] KX3 independent and simultaneous keying for computer
logging on CW
I think connecting both your paddle and PC to a K1EL or equivalent winkeyer is
better option. This way, when you switch betw
I think connecting both your paddle and PC to a K1EL or equivalent winkeyer is
a better option. This way, when you switch between PC and paddle sending, the
speed will be the same. Also, I found keying the KX3 directly from the PC
sounded a bit "choppy", as the timing of the dits was too short.
This independent and simultaneous CW keying of the KX3 is very interesting.
Using the paddle option on the KX3 simultaneously with the Keyer 3.5 mm port
for CW contest logging is a great and simple set up for logging program keying
the key port configured as a straight key making the f
3 matches
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