Thomas Beltran wrote:
I just received the MFJ-1788 loop today, from AES. The package looked okay except for

you might want to read ehams reviews on the MFJ-1788 found here:

OT: I have used, and continue to use MFJ products. They work ok, often their prices are below other similar units in the market, but the workmanship leaves something to be desired. You have to be very careful with them.

For example I received my MFJ-784B yesterday. When I was starting to hook it up I happened to turn it upside down. I heard something rattling around inside the unit. On opening it I found a screw that had not been screwed in, it was suppose to be holding the board down the case. The other case/board screws had a dab of a wax like substance on them, I guess to prevent them unscrewing themselves? This screw had none, I'm not even sure it was ever screwed into it's proper place on the board at the factory?

Previous to this I ordered the MFJ-1026. On arrival I had to open it to set some jumpers. I found 4 or 5 beads of solder that had fallen into the case and were floating around in there. They were so small you could barely hear them when you shook the unit hard. If I hadn't opened the unit I would never have known they were in there unless they shorted something and killed the unit. No good!

Both of these units worked well, but you better open anything you get from MFJ and do a visual check. Both of those problems would have been potentially terminal for the life of the unit, if I had applied power to them before inspecting them.
GB & 73's
Sam Morgan
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