This subject of "K3 receiver noise" has illustrated how
differently we view our radios.  

After seriously competing in the recent ARRL 10M and 
160M contests ... and scoring very well... I commented to
Rose and radio club friends how -quiet- the receiver(s) are.

After a seven-month wait to get my K3 (S/N 56), I evaluated 
it against my FT-1000D, FT-990 and an IC-756PROII over a 
several week period. I then sold all three on E-Bay.

The main radio has these 8-pole roofing filters: 13 kHz, 6.0 kHz, 
2.8 kHz, 1.0 kHz and 400 Hz.  The 2nd receiver has a 2.8 kHz
and a 1.8 kHz.  The 2nd RX is mostly used for monitoring 6M.  

When not contesting, I'm primarily a CW rag-chewer on 30M 
and 40M, with an occasional SSB QSO with friends on 75M 
or 160M.  I have 315 CW DXCC countries.  My antenna farm 
is better than most, with four towers, RX loops for 160M and 
80M, an 80M 1/2 wave CF Zepp at 65', a fully insulated 1/4 
wave tower for 160M, etc.  I "hear" well, and the K3 is a joy 
to use. I don't mean to "brag" here ... just illustrate that the 
radio gets a lot of "serious" use in a well-equipped station.

I use a Heil headset and -have- "tweaked" the TX equalization 
with the help of a friend 800 miles away who was watching my 
signal on his Flex.  I've never felt the need to change the RX
equalization from "flat", other than to experiment with it as a
kind of audio-peaking filter.

Now, it's time to order another container of Elecraft Kool-Aid.

73! Ken Kopp - K0PP
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