The Polar Bear Moonlight Madness Event will be taking place tomorrow 19 
January, 2008.  QRP operating frequencies 20, 30, 40 and 80 meters between 
1700-2300 UTC.  Our fingers may be a little cold so “BEAR” with us if our 
replies are a little slow.

Several Polar Bear QRP Operators will be taking to the field under the frosty 
full moon to capture a few QSO’s.  

We polar bears just love operating in the great outdoors. All PBMMEs are held 
close to full moons during the months of October, November, December, January, 
February and March. That's right - when it's cold!   

As a small incentive for folks to make QSO’s with the Polar Bears, A limited 
edition Polar Bear Backpacking Alcohol Stove, wind screen and fuel bottle will 
be given away to the operator who makes the most QSO’s with the Polar Bears.  A 
look at the stove and a list of a few of the operators is on the web page.

To apply for the prize you must send in a copy of your log. (NOTE: Logs should 
reflect: Time of QSO in UTC, Freq, and Polar Bear Number)  Send a copy of your 
log via email in ASCII format to K2CG (at sign)   All logs must be 
received by 25 January 2008.

This is not meant to be a contest so please avoid the hit and run QSO’s.  If 
you tag us on 30 meters then the hope is that you will chat for a little before 
moving on.

Polar Bears should be identifying themselves by calling “CQ CQ PBMM DE...”

Thanks and 72 K2CG
Chuck G. Polar Bear #16

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