SSB OPERATIONAL test opinion--

All tests done with max use of all controls to give best sig... so each rig was 
adjusted differently but to the best function I could obtain for each rig:

First test is on a very weak ssb sig with qsb (just barely readable):

9= fully readable for a good contest exchange, ng for rag chew.  DNR slow on 
uptake (a fraction of

time before DNR kicked in when the sig first comes on, but after that, very 
readable with "pinched"

audio range).   DNR used with Contour which boosted audio output and increased 
copy. Without DNR, wider audio 

but reduced readability and no delay.  "u-Tune" always on at center setting.

3=  ok for contest, ng rag chew.  K3 had to have a discernable level of more 
band noises to give same readabilty, 

and with NR on, audio is also decidedly  "pinched."  NB on mid-range;  NR made 
copy discernably worse at all 

settings, some more than others.

1= Just not as sensitive,  about 80% where other two were 90%;  using NB at 5H 
worked better,  NR no help at 

all, so was kept off.  Listening included lots

of "live band" noise to go with lesser signal.  When "live band" noise went 
down (as tho band is going 

out), the desired sig was more readable proportionally --readable beyond what 
one would expect. 

 As on CW, the ONE delivered a more pleasant sounding sig than the 

other two, but only when the sig built up to move the S meter;  otherwise, I 
missed more % of copy.

Weak sig sum... 9 most comfortable to listen to, but 3 very close behind.  1 
got nice only with stronger sigs.

Lightning on horizon and other Noises:

9= "Pinched audio" is there, but the punch of the static crashes were bearable. 
 "u-Tune" and DNR and Contour on.

3=Static crashes caused a kind of pumping with NB and NR on and adjusted to 
damp the crashes (AGC on fast

 really was uncomfortable; slow, more bearable).  NB alone was best for 
readability, but the crashes were definitely

worse in sharp peaks of noise.  Higher pitch band noise than other two, ORION 1 
bass helped somewhat, see below.

1= More bass made noise more bearable.  Used NB 5H; but switching the NR1 on 
with this vy weak sig just cut the

rcvr output to zero.  With only NB 5H, bass crashes hurt ears less than 9 and 
K3.  However, total sig readability was

not as good, and in fact, the reallyweak sig was discernable but not readable 
in QSB nulls (not as gud as other two).

Overall SSB usage:  The FT9000d was the SSB rig I wanted to listen to for weak 
sigs on 20m SSB.  K3 was a close 

second, but the K3 will spoil u with its superior CW rcvr and leave you wanting 
on SSBdue to the contrast with CW

if nothing else.  Strong sigs sounded more natural and pleasant on the Orion 
One where the strong sig overcame 

band noise and lightning static.  

IF I HAD TO KEEP ONLY ONE:  it would be the 9000d because I do mostly SSB and I 
REALLY enjoy all the knobs

and especially the reasonably functional bandscope.  Using the K3 after the 
9000 made me search the k3 dial for 

more info.  If I did CW mostly, I would try to add more visuals to the K3 via 
after market gagets and use only the 

K3 because it is a CW dream machine.  Overall, for this appliance operator 
speaking, the FT9000d is just plain

more fun, looking at it, touching it, and using it.   73, end of this opinion 

PS: Tnx to DF0HQ whose CQ contest calls provided over 4 hours of perfectly 
consistent sig levels--weak with QSB, 

and thanks too to the weather for the correctly-distant lightning static.  
FT-9000d just in from factory;  K3 just back

from factory;  and ORION ONE is old and using version 1.373b5 (sure wish I 
cudda included a brand new O TWO).

Charles Harpole


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