The netschedule one is new to me, but here are my suggestions.

Join the FISTS CW club (The International Morse 
Preservation Society).  Signup for their "Code Buddy" program, which pairs you 
with an experienced CW operator to help you (1) improve operating skill, (2) 
improve your fist, and (3) improve your copy speed.  This is a very social 
group with lots of operating activities.  FISTS members hangout around 3.558, 
7.058, 10.118, 14.058, 18.085, 21.058, 24.895, and 28.058 MHz.  Listen for CQ 

QRS-CW is a Yahoo Groups list where QRS 
CW like-minded individuals can meet and share what works for them, make 
schedules, and help each other.  I found a list of QRS CW watering holes and 
the end in .050 (7.050, 14.050, 21.050, and 28.050) of each band.  Listen for 
them, you can't miss them, they are the slower CW operators.

Congratulations for getting on the air, slow CW and all.  I give you lots of 
credit for even trying CW.  If you want a slow QSO or just practice, I will 
gladly schedule something with you, just ask.  

If it makes you feel any better, I had trouble copying the speed deamons at 
field day, too.  I'm good to about 22 WPM, but really have to work at it and I 
can't do it for long periods of time.

BTW: My 79 year-young father-in-law who wears hearing aids has learned morse 
well enough to copy everything I send at about 7 WPM.  He will be taking his 
code test in the next few weeks.

Mark Saunders, KJ7BS
Glendale, AZ

---- "Stephen W. Kercel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Fellow Elecrafters:

At the KS1R Field Day operation we had a bunch of 5 wpm operators who 
wanted to try their hand at CW on our GOTA station. They were very 
disappointed because they could not find any slow stations, and the 
20+ wpm CW that most Field Day operators were running simply 
overwhelmed them. Nevertheless, they are interested in improving 
their overall on the air proficiency in CW.

Are there particular frequencies where slow code operators who want 
to talk to other slow code operators hang out?



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