Re: [Elecraft] Suitable headphones for K3

2008-08-25 Thread LB3SA
If you want some of the best money can buy I would suggest the AKG HSC271. You can also get AKG's without microphone. Are - LB3SA KX1 - K2 - KX1 Jack Colson wrote: > > The manual states that headphones having aimpead

Re: [Elecraft] Suitable headphones for K3

2008-08-25 Thread Enno, PF5X
Hi Jack, I have a Beyer Dynamic DT109 headset. This is a professional headset used in studios etc, and it is much more rugid than the flimsy Heil plastic toys (Sorry for Heil, electrically and audio-wise they are fine, but mechanically they simply fall apart after 2 years or so). I bought it in S

[Elecraft] Suitable headphones for K3

2008-08-24 Thread Jack Colson
The manual states that headphones having aimpeadance of 16 ohms are recommended. I am using a pair of Koss (cheapies) and really have a hard time getting much sound from them. I would be interested in recommended headphones (16 ohm) that work well with the K3. Thank you, 73, Jack, W3TMZ _