Last week I was talking to a friend on the phone near here about getting
set up for SS.  In the course of the conversation we decided to go QRP.
He has two TS-450s for SO2R and a K2/100.  His next question threw me ....
"Do you think I should use the 450s and go SO2R or use the K2 and go SO1R?"
My reply was "Use the 450s and I can beat you - no problem!"

The end result - He went with the K2. And we are within 1000 points of
each other.  It's down to the log checking!

This morning on the phone he said "How much you think I can get for two
450's?  Enough to get another K2/100?"

72  73    Hank    K8DD

If God intended you to be on single sideband,
he would have given you only one nostril.
- Steve, K2PTS (SK)

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