Thank you for posting the breakout connector. I am always soldering or
crimping DB-9 and DE-15 connectors for shop projects.
Answering your question, I use a Timewave "Navigator" interface here and
built the interconnect cable myself, for PTT IN and FSK keying via the
K3 ACC connecto
I'm using the Winford boards along with the DIN rails mounted on an
aluminum panel by my desk. Very nice way to break out the AUX connector as
well as to break out pins from RS232 lines to perform other functions. The
little bit of proto room on each board makes adding translator transistors,
Hi everyone!
I have a question about the ACC socket on the K3.
I saw on HamNation that Icom IC-7000 gives you this ACC pigtail cable with all
the leads marked, so that you could plug it in and easily pick out the pins you
need to use for whatever it is you're doing.
Does Elecraft have something l
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