Went back up to Dark Springs Mountain in the Uwharrie National Forest where I did Field Day. Crazy day...fixed breakfast for XYL at 7AM, cleanup and setup for guest singing group at local outdoor worship center at 9 AM, service/performance at 10:30 AM, grabbed a ham biscuit and Coke and headed for site at Noon, climbed 300' hill and arrived very sweaty at 12:35 PM, got everything unpacked and set up by 12:50 PM (set up the antenna yesterday)! Bands didn't sound very good but could hear a few signals on 20 and 40. Who forgot to turn the lights back on after the solar flare?

Still had loads of fun in my first FOBB. Strongest signal was WA9TZE by far. Farthest station worked was K7TQ in ID. Farthest station heard was K6III in CA (only one heard) working someone else...tried calling several times but nil. VE3's were surprisingly strong on both 20 and 40. Worked N7SR and N4HAY on two bands and should have gotten AA1MY but Seab got away from me on 40. I checked 15 several times and 10 once but never heard a peepI

Used my Elecraft K2 at 5W, Emtech ZM-2 tuner, 90' dipole up 60' fed with Radio Shack twinlead, on mountain top at 875' in tall hardwood forest at about 300' above average surrounding terrain.

Great fun but let's pray for better conditions next year!

73,  Bill  W4ZV


Band    QSO's   Bees
10      0       0
15      0       0
20      49      36
40      16      14

Total   65      50  =  9,750 points

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