Hi guys

I have finished my K2. And I'm very pleased with it. Very nice CW rig. Its got all those features that I didn't know I couldn't do without :o)

But there is one issue....

When I was tuning the crystal filter at L34, the manual said that it would most likely peak at 1 to 1 and 1/2 turns down from the top. Mine has hit the top and has not peaked. I tuned to the 7MHz birdie, and put a DMM on the speaker plug to watch the output. The voltage was still rising when the slug hit the top of the can.

I understand that the peak on L34 is very wide so did not concern myself and continued the build.

Since completion I have hooked up my K2 and my old TS450 so I can switch between them to compare receiver performance. On CW there isn't much in it. And on SSB, the 450 has the edge. This is not what I expected after reading heaps of glowing reports on the K2 receiver.

This has brought my focus back to the "unpeaked" crystal filter. How can I get the tuning peak back within the range of L34??

To pre-empt questions. The K2 has no noise blanker, or additional filter/DSP (yet). The TS450 has narrow filters, no DSP and the noise blanker is useless. So the comparison is fair.

Can anyone advise?

FISTS #9666 - CW QRP Club #753 - Elecraft K2 #6404
Mid North Coast Amateur Radio Group  www.mncarg.org

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