Several times over the last couple of months during the building of first my K1 (#1949) and then my KX1 ( #1056). I was intimidated by the instructions in the manuals. First with the K1 and KAT1 that I finally got the nerve to finish and install it today. The KX1 did a number on me too when I read the manuals from a PDF down load before ordering. I finally took the plunge and ordered it, built it in less than twenty hours, then ordered the 30m mod. built and installed it earlier this week before I tackled installing the KAT1 today. The manuals for both radios are so beautifully written that construction of the K1 & KX1 is extremely easy. Wayne and Eric along with everyone at Elecraft are to be commended on a job very well done. I look forward to building a K2 Thank You all.
72/71 de "RC" kc5wa

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