I was ready to set up my Amateur Radio Station. I was
in Oakland, CA, on business, and my second-floor room
had been chosen for its proximity to a one-story shop
across an alley next-door, where I had tossed my
weighted wire last Fall, and had been rewarded with
some nice QSOs up and down the Left Coast. The wire
was 24 feet of #26 'silky' wire, and the rig was my
KX1, known as Kixie.

Unfortunately, as it turned out, for me and the local
avian populace, the proprietor of said shop had since
installed some nasty-looking wire thingies on the
roof's edge in what looked to be a successful attempt
to keep his awnings red, rather than spotted white. No
way was I going to toss my wire over that, and risk
the loss of the discarded razor handle I use a a

So I just lowered away into a willing bush nearby, to
keep the wire away from the hotel a bit, and laid a 33
foot RF ground on the floor of my room. I heard
FP/VE7SV on twenty meters pretty well, but could not
make my two watts heard through the din. Really, I
just wasn't patient enough.

Then I tuned up the band a little, and heard VP2ETG
working a group, split. Got him! Anguilla, 3784 miles.
Didn't work the FP/ station until last night, from
home, with the loop and five watts. Be a good place
for a Flying Pigs Pigspedition...


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