Question one:

The Rig Control and Info data streams are documented in the KIO2 Programmers
Guide (


 DTE: Tx data says: fb00014060000; (please set VFO B to 14,060 Kcps).

 DTE: Tx data says: fb;            (To what frequency is VFO B set?)
 DCE: Rx data says: FB00014060000; (VFO B is set to 14,060 Kcps).

 DTE: Tx data says: KYcq*cq*cq*de*wg4s*wg4s*wg4s*k; (D-oh! - BUT - the last
WG4S and K will not be sent - short buffer)
                               1         2
 DCE: Rx data says: KY0;          (Buffer not full)
 DTE: Tx data says: KY4s*k;       (send the rest of the message).

Anyhow, download the pdf, hook up a dumb-terminal (local echo and local
linefeed) and play with your radio to get the hang of the protocol. Most of
the fun will be in handshaking, as some commands are very fast and some
aren't (usually involving relays or the ATU).

Question two:

If you build the KIO2, you also build the cable, and it's OK. If you use a
different cable, you must assure by some other means that the pins used for
AUXBUX, ALC, etc., are not passed through to the DTE (computer). The choice
of a DB9 may have been inopportune, and some users have keyed their jacks
only to take proper plugs (slot the shell or break off/stuff a pin).

Yes, it's easy to make a mistake, but I wouldn't call it a design flaw. If
you plug your K2 DC-In to the 120VAC wall, something might fry too<g>.

DB25 is often a modem, but probably more often a Centronics printer. IDE
cables will go in with pin 1 towards the Power receptacle as easily as away
from it.

If you put your finger in the spark plug wire from your car while it's
running, it hurts (your finger - not the car).

The KIO2 pins are chosen as the signals needed in "outside" boxes - KAT100,
KPA100, KRCn - NOT as RS-232 defined signals.

Question three:


Dan / WG4S / K2 #2456

Sent: Monday, November 28, 2005 3:05 PM

If the RS-232 is only using GND and TX/RX (cw switching), how does it
get rig control info from software like DXLab and HamRadioDeluxe?

I've heard you could fry the K2 RS232 board by using the wrong serial
cable - which I think is a design flaw as these cables (null modem vs
straight through) are not marked differently so it's easy to make a

Should I open the cable I'm going to use up and make sure only three
pins are connected?
thanks and 73,

>DO NOT CONNECT RS-232 to your KIO2 without opening all unused (by RS-232)
>pins. ONly Sig Ground, TX and RX go from computer to K2. All other lines on
>the KIO2 are not RS-232 and can't tolerate the +- 15V the computer will
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