Everyone has applauded Wayne and Eric (and rightfully so) for their hard

and dedication that goes above and beyond expectations to provide the world

amateur radio community with exceptional products.   This, of course,

includes the K3 which, I think, is destined to become THE standard, by 

which all other "world class" transceivers are measured. 


I think it's time to give a heavy measure of thanks to Lyle Johnson and

the team of software gurus who continue to refine the K3's firmware with

improvements and new features.  Man, but I am thoroughly impressed.
And, I don't even have my K3, yet!!!  (Probably not by Christmas but,

hopefully, in time for my birthday in January)  ;-)  

Hats off to everyone at Elecraft.  What a ride !!  And, I'll bet, the 

best is yet to come.

Joe - WB1AIU


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