Guess there is an advantage to having an amp (like the ACOM 2000a)
that upon a fault condition like a bad coax,,,high swr shuts itself into a "fault" standby mode....such as happened when i was feeding a bad 80 meter feed line. This rather than relying on an exterior component ( on an ALC feedback line), or my LP-100 SWR meter keying loop.

The ACOM has both an ALC and a qsk loop thru, as does the TT Herc II neither of which is connected. Nor has the lack of connecting them with my Icom , or K2 (now a K3) caused an issue.

Everyones results WILL vary. As will their preferences...

I would imagine that after mentioning what you perceive missing or what you believe could be done better two or three times , starts to appear like lobbying rather than offering your opinions. We know from eric and wayne's previous work that they see and hear all our ideas...and put them on THE LIST. After the smoke clears and they are past the obvious things that need to be done, such as the second rcvr , am, fm etc ...then we should crank up the want list.

I will send this email to myself tonight, and maybe never send it out.
If I get feeling like I want to respond to a " you gotta change this now " I'll send this out. Oops Must have sent it out for you to see it ,,,,


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