Yes, you can use the K3 Utility on your computer for updating of two K3s.
Two K3s was indeed the motivation for displaying the S/N.


You don't need two different sets of firmware folders, they are input to the
K3 Utility and their content does not depend upon whether you have one or
more K3s.


The configuration save capability creates a default filename that includes
the serial number of the rig whose config parameters you're setting. 


If you don't replace the filename presented in the "save as" file dialog,
all of your configuration files will indicate which K3 they were saved from.


The folder you choose for configuration files can be changed, but it would
be inconvenient to do this every time.  I thought it would be easier to use
one common "K3 configuration" folder for all your K3s, and use a filename
prefix (like the Serial Number) to differentiate the files.  This is part of
why the default configuration file names are so long.  They include the
rig's serial number as well as the date and time it was saved.


You probably wouldn't want to save a configuration from one radio and
restore it into another.   Part of the saved configuration is the
rig-specific calibration data (synthesizer as well as Tx Gain).  


73 de Dick, K6KR





[] On Behalf Of Greg Buhyoff
Sent: Saturday, January 03, 2009 9:09 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Using K3 Utility for two K3s


As a long time ham,  I have owned many rigs like most of you here.  I got my
K3 about three weeks ago and very impressed with, so much so I will be
selling a rig and buying another K3 with a bit different configuration than
my current K3 to use here but also, mainly, to use at a second QTH.  I
really would like to try diversity reception and my other QTH is perfect for
that  -- a lot of acreage for various other receiving antennas.


My question is simple, I think.  Can I use the K3 Utility on my computer for
firmware updating of two K3s?  I am guessing the Utility will differentiate
the two radios due to different SNs and it just looks at what firmware it
has and what updates are available for each radio.  But I am wondering if
different folders on my computer will be required to store the update
information via the Utility program.  Also, is it possible to upload the
configuration I have for my present K3 to the second K3 that I am seriously
considering? --- well more than considering -- have just about made up my
mind to get the second one.  The 7700 will be looking for a new home.  


Thanks and 73,

Greg K2UM

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