To comment on the last part first:

Kevin says:

(Although, incidentally, Mike's criticism that my scheme can't be used to show that Approval and Range fail SFC is quite strange. SFC is defined on sincere preferences. If Mike means "what I use in place of SFC"…

I reply:

Yes, I thought I’d made it clear that I was asking how, in _your_ system of criteria, you’d show that Approval and other RV versions pass or fail SFC--your criteria system’s way of saying SFC. But if you prefer, just show that Approval and some other RV version pass or fail Condorcet’s Criterion, as your criteria system expresses CC.

And, as I said, you never demonstrated that. I said that years ago, and the statement remains true now. Your criteria system remains a sketch only, as long as you can’t precisely define it, and then use it to demonstrate compliance or noncompliance.

Your criteria system has a privileged balloting system. My criteria make no mention of any balloting system.

By the way, for the kind of approach that you’re doing, it might be better for the privileged balloting system to be ratings instead of rankings. Ratings contain rank information, but ranks don’t contain rating information. Ratings are more general than rankings are. Therefore, making them the privileged balloting system isn’t quite as unjustifiable. Not quite. But your criteria system would still be about a balloting system, something that my criteria make no mention of.

And then there’s the fact that your system is based on a false assumption, even though its falsity is acknowledged, and even though the results might come out right in the end. “Let’s pretend that Plurality has rank (or rating) ballots”? What a thing to start a criterion with. What great lengths some people will go to, to make Plurality fail Condorcet’s Criterion without mentioning preference.

These things make your criteria system thoroughly inelegant--an arbitrarily grafted mess.

Kevin continues:

then I believe it's at least true that there is no way to interpret Approval or Range such that they satisfy the criterion under my scheme.)

I reply:

Forgive me, but I didn’t ask you to show that Approval or RV satisfy the criterion. I asked you to show that they meet or fail it. Either will do. More recently I asked that about SFC. But if you don’t want to deal with SFC (though you do claim that you have a votes-only wording for it), then do so for Condorcet’s Criterion. I believe that that was probably my initial request, a few years ago.

Mike Ossipoff

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