Warren suggested trying range ballots and seeking an approval equilbrium winner 
X such that X is the approval winner when each candidate rated above X is 
approved, each candidate rated below X is not approved, and each candidate 
rated equal to X (including X itself) gets half approval.
This doesn't seem quite right when X has max or min range rating.  It seems 
like you would want to give full or no approval, respectively, in these cases.
Also, I would like to point out that in the case of no equal rankings X would 
be an equilibrium winner (according to Warren's rule)  iff the max pairwise 
opposition against X was less than 50 percent of the ballots.
Ordinal ballots are sufficient for this.
I would like to suggest an alternative:  instead of giving half approval to 
candidates ranked equal with X, give them full approval if  X is above 
midrange, no approval if X is below midrange, and half approval only if X is 
right at midrange.
Ordinal ballots with approval cutoff could be adapted to this variant.
For a variant that requires range ballots consider the following:
Give candidates that are rated equal with X partial approval equal to the 
percentage of the way X lies between the min range and max range values, i.e. 
the normalized range score for X.  This would agree with the rule in my 
previous suggestion at the top, bottom, and middle, while interpolating the 
other positions naturally.
If there is no equilibrium candidate, then the winner should be the one closest 
to equilibrium, i.e. the one for which the maximum difference in  approval of   
Y  and  X  is minimum when X is the approval cutoff,  i.e. the sitting duck in 
one of the three variants above.
If there are several equilibria, then the strongest one in the above sense 
should be chosen.


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