Let's consider the case of one candidate ordering (i.e. ranking) per candidate. 
One way this can happen is by each voter supporting the ranking published by 
his or her favorite candidate.  Another way that this can be achieved is by 
averaging together all of the ballots that rate a given candidate in top place. 
 There are many other ways as well, but let's not worry about them.  For now, 
we assume that we have one faction per candidate.
Let's start with an example of three candidates A, B, and C, with three 
factions as follows:
45 A>B>C
40 B>C>A
15 C>A>B
Choose a random permutation of the candidates so that we can refer to them as 
first candidate, second candidate, and third candidate.  In this example, for 
simplicity, suppose that the permutation is just ABC, so the order is 
List all of the three digit binary  numbers in numerical order (in the general 
case list all of the N digit, base (N-1) numbers in numerical order.):
Each of these numbers is a code in whichthe k_th digit tells where to place the 
approval cutoff in the k_th candidate's ranking.
For example,  000 means place the approval cutoff in the lower position in each 
faction, and 101 means place the cutoff in the upper position in the first and 
last factions, but in the lower position for the second faction.
Now replace each number with the name of the candidate that would win, given 
the approval cutoffs encoded in that number:
000->B,  001->B,  010->B,  011->B,  100->A,  101->C, 110->A,  111->A
In the resulting list group the names by twos
Use the last candidate's ranking to pick one candidate from each group:
B  B  C  A
Now group these by twos
Use the second from last candidate's ranking to pick one from each of these 
B  C
Use the first candidate's ranking to choose from among the remaining candidates:
B wins.
[This corresponds to the fact that if the A faction had to choose a cutoff 
before the B faction and C faction, then A would use the lower cutoff.  
Otherwiise, the B faction would use the lower cutoff, and C would use the 
upper, and win.]
In general, if there are N candidates, we need (N-1)^N code numbers to encode 
the possibilities.
For eleven candidates that's 10^11, or one hundred billion code numbers.
For practical purposes, the candidate pool should be pared down to a dozen or 
so before by some other means before applying this procedure.
That's all for now.


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