Another writer on EM has complained about rejection of his messages by Jeff Fisher, moderator of the Condorcet list.

It is my view that the moderator of a private mailing list has the perfect right to accept or reject posts as he or she sees fit; however, properly, the policies of the list should be explicit in advance; otherwise writers may spend hours preparing a post for the particular time and context of the list, only to find it rejected because of unanticipated or unclear criteria.

On the face of it, the Condorcet list is operating as a project to advise Toby Nixon, a Republican State Representative in the state of Washington, who is considering presenting election reform proposals. Much of the discussion on this list, and in particular the quite cogent comments made by Rep. Nixon, have been broad and general. However, based on some standard that remains unclear to me, I've had a few posts rejected, because they were discussing topics related to election reform but not specifically to Condorcet voting, per se, though surely it is impossible to consider the wisdom of Condorcet voting, as well as the possible obstructions that might exist to its implementation, without considering other possible election reforms, such as IRV and Approval.

And Mr. Nixon has currently been discussing Range Voting, and there has been discussion, in particular, of whether or not it would be advisable to work for Approval Voting.

I just received this rejection note:

From: "Jeff Fisher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Abd ulRahman Lomax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Message not approved: Asset voting (was:Approval versus Ranked methods)

Asset voting is off topic, and one of our primary objectives is to
eliminate primaries. If I missed the off-topic mentions in Forest's
post, I apologize, but I thought I bounced his also. -- JRF

I had commented that Asset Voting would be excellent for primaries, where the two-stage process would actually be a benefit rather than a problem. If there is a clear winner in a primary to choose a candidate, that would be it, no need for further process. But if you are electing delegates, Asset Voting would ensure that no votes were wasted (to the maximum possible extent).

But my point here is this lesson:

If you want to set up a public forum to receive comment and advice, and to discuss proposals, don't allow a single person to be a gatekeeper who will restrict what kind of advice can be given, unless you think that person will understand the situation better than you, as well as better than the public who will participate. In which case I would wonder why you'd be soliciting comment from the public in the first place....

There are ways to filter the comment on a list without arbitrary censorship. But people who end up as gatekeepers generally, especially when self-appointed but also sometimes when selected by others, I find, are generally not interested in immediate democratic process, and quite clearly don't want to hear about it.

The description of the Condorcet list on yahoogroups is:

***begin description***
Washington state representative Toby Nixon plans to introduce Condorcet legislation for the state of Washington in the next session. Since WA has lost yet another electoral system to unconstitutionality, and since WA House representative Nixon is the ranking minority member on the committee that would rewrite it, his intent is most auspicious.

Representative Nixon has asked for a Condorcet "think tank". Its primary mission will be to politely educate Washington State's decision makers (legislators and key lobbyists). Its secondary mission will be to proofread and comment on the evolving legislation. Its tertiary mission will be to stimulate and carry out other forms of political activism (such as recruiting people to testify before Washington State's House and Senate committees) to move Condorcet legislation forward.

To that end, I have created this Condorcet Yahoo group, and representative Nixon has already subscribed. It's to be more than just a discussion. If you can contribute to any part of its mission, then please join this vital new *work* group:

PS: If you know any others who could be helpful, please recruit them.
***end description***

Nothing is mentioned about the list being moderated. The welcome message does not mention it. If you don't look at the full headers (in which case you will see an approval header for any message requiring approval), and until you have a message rejected, you might not notice that your messages were being moderated. It has not been mentioned on the list, to my knowledge. There is only one moderator, Mr. Fisher, who is the list owner.

Moderation of a list which is partly a brainstorming list inhibits the process substantially, by introducing quite a bit of delay. Yes, it will reduce traffic. But why? Traffic reduction is desirable if there is someone to be protected from excess traffic, but moderating a list is a bit like giving a committee sedatives. Yes, things will be a bit calmer....

In any case, I've decided that the Condorcet list is just too much trouble. Much of what I wrote which was rejected by the moderator was specifically written in response to and as suggestion to Mr. Nixon. If he is interested, I'll send the rejected posts directly to him. Among what was rejected was consideration of how to use a public list to gather comment and analysis, without arbitrary censorship, and without becoming overwhelmed with noise, i.e., more traffic than one can handle....

One more comment: most lists which have rules requiring that posts be on-topic do not restrict dicta, or side comments, provided that a post is substantially on-topic. The moderation standards being used for the Condorcet list are tighter than is normal.... One of the posts of mine that was previously rejected was clearly on-topic, but included mention of something that Mr. Fisher considered off-topic.

Mailing lists are not committee meetings where discussion might not be allowed to stray from strict adherence to the topic; for with face-to-face meetings when someone speaks off-topic, it takes up the time of everyone. With list mail, a reader may easily decide that a post has strayed too far from the topic of interest and may simply stop reading it.... or will start skimming, scanning for material of interest.

We have seen before how Center for Voting and Democracy apparently made up its mind that IRV is the method to promote, and how they essentially became impervious to argument. CVD, like most political reform organizations, is not democratic. It has become quite clear to me that many of those who would reform democracy actually don't believe in it. They are convinced that if you want to get anything done, you must avoid democratic process like the plague. Personally, I consider that the modest level of democracy that we enjoy in the United States is a major factor in the success of our society, and that areas where we are failing are largely due to our failure to continue to develop democratic process. It is quite clear that democracy, badly implemented, is messy and even dangerous. But when Churchill noted that "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others," he had only experienced a narrow range of what is possible. Electoral democracy, in particular, as it has been implemented everywhere, effectively disenfranchises much of the electorate. It can hardly be said that a voter is represented by someone who the voter voted against and with whom the voter strongly disagrees.

There are solutions to this problem, some of them are very old, but for some reason which remains obscure to me, they have never been tried in the political realm; but the problem of politics is the essential problem of human organization, and human organization is also required for business, and business solved and settled on certain solutions which remain strangers to political process. Those solutions themselves, as they have become traditional, are far from perfect, but the problem of representation failure because of elections would have been intolerable to the founders of share corporations, so they solved it. Indeed, the solution was so much a permitted thing at common law that only because it was specifically and statutorily forbidden did it not come to common use in politics. And there seems to be no good reason for that, the matter is never argued, most people seem completely unaware of the possibilities.

I am, of course, referring to proxy representation, which can be used to set up representative bodies without elections. Asset Voting is an example of how proxy concepts could be applied to create proportional representation with almost no wasted votes, no votes that do not end up being voluntarily assigned to a winner. Asset Voting can create a peer assembly in which all members have the same voting power, which may be desirable and which is certainly the custom in politics. Delegable Proxy can more simply and directly create a representative assembly, but with variable voting power of members, and is thus closer to business practice. (Delegability is proposed as an addition to standard proxy representation as a means of making organizational structure scalable while allowing proxy assignments to take place on a small scale, so that high-level proxies need only directly communicate with a few people, and base-level members may be assured of a proxy who will, for example, answer their phone calls -- because proxies in general would not take on more *direct* proxies than they can handle.)

These are generic organizational concepts, and they can apply to such relatively informal bodies as advisory panels. Delegable proxy sounds much more complicated than it would be in practice.... It really is as simple as a list of members with a list of proxy assignments. From that, delegability builds a fractal structure that (excepting assignment loops, a problem which can be easily solved) automatically creates a tree that would almost certainly concentrate representation into a relatively small committee that would represent nearly everyone. But the proxy functions in more ways than just as a voting device. The proxy is essentially the link between the individual and the organization, the person for the member to contact if the member has concerns or suggestions, as well as the person who would routinely pass on suggestions from the organization for action, where member action is appropriate. The proxy structure would be like a nervous system for an organization. And actual nervous systems are quite similarly organized....

The "organizational chart" would be *quite* complex. But each member would only see a small part of it: the member would see whatever meetings the member attended or watched, and the member would see the member's chosen proxy, and would be aware that there was a chain of proxies leading to the top levels of the organization. In small organizations, there might be only one layer, in large ones, there might be many, but it should be noted that if a proxy only represents twenty people, the organization could have over a billion members with a proxy chain to the top being only seven or so proxies. Each one of these proxies would be dealing with twenty members below and one above, as the basic structure, but there would also be a lot of redundancy, cross-connections, alternative pathways. Just as in the human nervous system.

At the core of a good organizational system we will find noise control. Proxies will function as noise filters, protecting the members from information overload due to organizational traffic and protecting the higher layers similarly from noise from the bottom. If you are going to be protected from noise, it is important that the protection be voluntary. Otherwise we would call it censorship and thought control....

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