Russ said:

Beyond that, he cited bogus excuses for canceling the site, such as my
re-worded definitions.

I reply:

That wasn't bogus. Perhaps you're forgetting that you're posting to the mailing list where your sloppified definitions were criticized. Your befuddled and ambiguous wordings were well-known on EM, and for that reason your website was an embarrassment.

And I didn't say that your ambiguous definitions were my only reason for withdrawing permission for your use of materials from me at your website. I explained that you'd increasingly proven yourself to be someone that I didn't want to work with.

By the way, I told Russ that I'd complain to his internet service providers if I received any more e-mail from him, but the e-mail from Russ keeps coming. Though I'd blocked his main e-mail addresses, maybe he's sending it from a different account. Any suggestions on what to do about someone like that? What's the best procedure for complaining to his internet service providers? Is there anyone else I could complain to?

Mike Ossipoff

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