I posted:

1. The choice of a way of voting to affect the outcome in a certain way
under certain specified conditions, when there isn't one obvious way of
voting that will always accomplish that under those conditions.

I comment:

Someone could ask me what I mean by "obvious", and Iīd have to say "Leave it out."

In fact, I should change "one obvious way..." to "any way".

Maybe it should be specified that it could refer to a way of voting by some group of voters, rather than necessarily just one voter, but that seems implied by the fact that I didnīt say different.

The premise conditions of SFC & GSFC are specified conditions such as I refer to in that strategy definition.

This definition and one of the ones that I posted yesterday are just for the purpose of saying what isnīt needed by some voters when the method is one that meets SFC or GSFC. Just for the purpose of saying what "strategy" means in the name "Strategy-Free-Criterion" or "Generalized Strategy-Free Criterion".

Iīm not saying that this definition, or the one that I posted yesterday for the same purpose, couldnīt use any improvement, but theyīre my best versions at this time.

Mike Ossipoff

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