On Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 9:34:30 PM UTC, Rich Morin wrote:
> > On Mar 14, 2019, at 11:56 AM, Unified Front <unif...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > ... Simplification like this pays off in the long run ... 
> Other responses have addressed various aspects of your proposal, 
> including: 
> - maintaining stability in this version of Elixir 
> - ways to get the proposed behavior using a macro 
> - desire for a research-backed proposal rationale 
> - keeping Dialyzer distinct from the base language 
> However, I haven't seen any comments on the merits of your proposed 
> syntax.  So, 
> because it touches on some issues of concern to me, I'll give it a try... 
> You use the word "simplification".  As Inigo Montoya said in "The Princess 
> Bride", 
> "I do not think it means what you think it means."  Borrowing some 
> language from 
> Rich Hickey, I'd say that your proposal "complects" @spec and def.  That 
> is, it 
> jams their concerns into a single syntactic mashup.  Rather than 
> simplifying the 
> language's syntax, this would make it even more complicated. 
> The @def and @spec syntax are already rather complicated, because each has 
> to deal 
> with a substantial number of concerns.  For example, @def has to handle: 
> - naming of functions and parameters 
> - pattern matching and dispatching 
> - argument binding and destructuring 
> - default values and keyword lists 
> - guard clauses 
> I realize that folding type information into function headers is a common 
> approach 
> in other languages, but I think Elixir's approach keeps the syntax simpler 
> and the 
> conceptual load lighter.  Indeed, I'd like to make the header syntax even 
> simpler. 
> For example, defguard/1 (https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Kernel.html#defguard/1) 
> already 
> lets us extract complicated guard expressions from the function header. 
>  However, 
> I don't know of any equivalent way to extract complex pattern matching 
> expressions 
> (and defining one is far above my pay grade :-). 
> Although some might argue that simplicity and complexity are matters of 
> taste, I'd 
> assert that keeping things simpler (in Hickey's sense) makes them easier 
> for humans 
> to deal with.  When I read a bit of code, my brain has to act a bit like a 
> compiler; 
> simpler syntax (and logic) give it fewer things that it has to keep on the 
> stack... 
> -r

Dear Rich and all the others.
Thank you for your responses.
All your points are beyond valid and bring real weight into this 
This proposal is partly to provoke a discussion precisely of this nature: 
How can the long term effort/efficiency of development in terms of source 
code maintenance be improved?
i.e. is it possible to:

1) - keep duplication as small as possible
2) - make sure that any proposed changes don't impact language 
3) - don't bring in any unwanted type system handicap

This proposal was not intended to offend anyone, just want to point out 
that in the overall cost of developing a system, 
roughly 80% of the total system development cost comes from maintenance 
after system delivery. 
All three points above play big part in keeping large complex systems 
manageable in terms of maintenance.
I think we all agree on the 3 points above, and are really just debating in 
which order they should be put. :-)

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