This function is really good as an exercise for new programmers to 
implement, for sure. In terms of regular workflows, how often does this 
exact function really come up? Given that it's only three lines to 
implement, I'm not sure that adding it to the standard library contributes 
much towards solving people's problems.

On Monday, September 30, 2019 at 11:16:17 AM UTC-4, Osawa QWYNG wrote:
> Hi! Thank you for a great programing language.
> This is a suggestion for a new enum function.
> Add tally function like Rubys tally.
> tally is Rubys 2.7.0 new function
> and this is My PR for Elixir
> iex> Enum.tally(~w{ant buffalo ant ant buffalo dingo})
> %{"ant" => 3, "buffalo" => 2, "dingo" => 1}
> iex> Enum.tally(~w{aa aA bb cc}, fn x -> String.downcase(x) end)
> %{"aa" => 2, "bb" => 1, "cc" => 1}
> The following article is more about this.
> Ruby 2.7.0 has not released yet but this function is really good

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