> Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this not just specific to custom guards? 
> As far as I know, all macros behave this way because macro expansion happens 
> at compile time, and this sort of runtime-error within the generated code 
> can't know about the macro that produced it without some sort of new compiler 
> artifact to track the source?

I think so too, similarly for:

    defmodule Foo do
      def foo(x) when x in 1..5 do

      def foo(x) when x in [10, 20] do


We have:

     ** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in Foo.foo/1

     The following arguments were given to Foo.foo/1:

         # 1

     Attempted function clauses (showing 2 out of 2):

         def foo(x) when is_integer(x) and (x >= 1 and x <= 5)
         def foo(x) when x === 10 or x === 20

     code: Foo.foo(100)
       (foo 0.1.0) lib/foo.ex:2: Foo.foo/1
       test/foo_test.exs:5: (test)

It would be nice to see the original guards though!

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