I have an update function that has to call update functions for each 
registered page. The update function of the page itself only returns the 
page model and the command, whereas the main update returns it's own model 
(all pages) and a command. Here is the painful code:

type alias Model =
    { home : Home.Model
    , about : About.Model

type Msg
    = HomeMsg Home.Msg
    | AboutMsg About.Msg

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        HomeMsg msg_ ->
                ( page, cmd ) =
                    Home.update msg_ model.home
                ( { model | home = page }, Cmd.map HomeMsg cmd )

The code in the case block is long and painful when you have X case values.

So i tried to simplify this code with a function that maps the return value 
of the page update to the return value of the main update:

lift : (msg -> Msg) -> (Model -> a -> Model) (a, Cmd msg) -> (Model, Cmd 
lift cmdMapper modelMapper (m, c) =
    ( (modelMapper m), (Cmd.map cmdMapper c) )

setHome : Model -> a -> Model
setHome model page =
    { model | home = page }

And in the main update case I have this line:

lift HomeMsg (setHome model) <| Home.update msg_ model.home context

This is a lot simpler but still I have to declare a function (like setHome) 
for each case value to update my model page field.

A better way to update model field more "dynamically" would have been great 
to only need 1 function and not one for each case value

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