It appears that the functionality of List.sortBy is semi-browser dependent
when the sorting function is a partial ordering.
My current version of Firefox sorts according to the partial order, and
within ties, maintains the order from the original list. However, user
reports have been that some oth
I have a dictionary which contains a series of keys with names "ls-1",
"ls-2", "ls-3", etc. and a key "ls-count" stating how many there are. When
one of these is deleted, say "ls-2" is deleted, I want to bubble the
remainder up so that the old "ls-3" will become "ls-2" and so on.
The code being
erField Int Int -- min max
> type alias Field =
> { name : String
> , key : String
> , del : Bool
> , data : FieldData
> }
> This way you have easier access to the common fields. :)
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 8:16 PM, Mark Gree
Fair enough.
The situation is that as part of the view update, my database model is
calculating what inputs it needs displayed by passing a form data structure
to the view component which renders it in HTML. The current type is:
type Field =
DropdownField { name: String, key : String, choic
I've recently tried doing a project in Elm
( if you're interested) and have a couple
of questions I'd like to ask:
1) Is there any function for setting/updating a field in a record, similar
to the .x functions for accessing fields? It's very awkward that in