I dislike the names of certain standard library functions. Below, I list 
each one and explain why I dislike it.

(1) Basics.max, Basics.min, List.maximum, List.minimum
(a) The names 'max' and 'min' do not clearly convey what these functions 
do. When I see 'max 13 10' or '3 `max` 10', I think of the sentence '13 
maximum of 10', with 2 separate meanings, but both lead me astray! (I'm 
still not sure what phrase/sentence I'm supposed to think of that makes 
these function names make sense.
(i) I expect it to return 10; 'max' sets the upper bound, of course!
(ii) I expect it to return False, as if I was standing in front of an 
express checkout line, and checking whether I was under the limit.
(b) 'max' and 'min' are needlessly truncated, going against the Elm style 
( http://package.elm-lang.org/help/design-guidelines#use-human-readable-names 
>Abbreviations are generally a silly idea for an API. Having an API that is 
clear is more important than saving three or four characters by dropping 
letters from a name.
(c) I have a feeling that these names were kept just because that's what 
older languages (Haskell, C++, etc) have done. If Elm is serious about 
putting usability first, it shouldn't be afraid of breaking with the 
unclear past tradition to start a new clear tradition. (I note that Elm has 
already done this in the past when it replaced the keywords 'data' and 
'type' with 'type' and 'type alias'.)
(d) I suggest changing the names to 'greater', 'lesser', 'greatest', and 
'least'. These names clearly describe what each function does: It returns 
the *greater* or the *lesser* of 2 values, or the *greatest* or *least* of 
a list of values, and makes the connection with (>) and (<), which are 
pronounced  'greater than' and 'less than', more obvious.

(2) (&&), (||)
(a) These names needlessly use uncommon symbols where names of letters: 
('and' and 'or') would work perfectly fine. People already pronounce the 
functions that way anyways! (And if they don't, then they're probably 
confused, which just proves my point.) Again, this is against Elm style 
(b) The Bitwise module uses the names 'and', 'or', and 'xor' for its 
bitwise functions, but the boolean functions are '(&&)', '(||)', and 'xor'. 
Why do they share 'xor' but not the others? There should be one pattern, 
not two.
(c) Again, I think these functions are named this way to mimic older 
languages. Thus, I must ask, again, is Elm about putting usability first 
and making things clear? (especially for beginners who may never have 
programmed before), or maintaining the poorly-named status quo?

(3) List.member
(a) This function returns of boolean, but its name is a noun. How strange! 
I've seen coding standards that would never allow this, because a function 
that returns a boolean must be a *verb*, not a noun! When I read the name, 
I expect it to return an item from the list, not a boolean about whether a 
value is in the list.
(b) I suggest changing the name to 'isMember', 'isMemberOf', 'contains', or 
(what I think is the simplest) 'has'.
(c) A small downside: The last two don't work well as an infix function. I 
suppose 'member' is trying to look like JS and Python 'in', but I've never 
written 'member' (or Haskell 'elem') as an infix function.
(d) There could also be a dedicated function for 'not <<< has', (where 
(<<<) composes the functions correctly) which could be called 'lacks', 
because it's easier to think of the concept with one name instead of two 
combined. (I don't expect many people to agree with this though...)

(4) List.filter
(a) The problem is that I forget (more often than I would like to admit) 
whether the function filters the items by *keeping* the items that satisfy 
the predicate, or filters the items by *tossing out* the items that satisfy 
the predicate.
(b) I suggest the clearer and shorter names 'keep' or 'take'.
(c) A downside: For 'take', the old 'take' would have to change to 
'takeFront', 'takeFirst', or something else.
(d) There could also be a dedicated function for 'filter (not << f)', which 
could be called 'toss' (in the sense of 'throw away'), 'discard', or 'drop' 
(Again, the old 'drop' would have to change.), because, again, it's easier 
to think of the concept with one name instead of two combined. (Also, I 
think a name like Python's 'itertools.filterfalse' is unclear and 
annoyingly long.)
(e) Evan himself has already voiced his own distaste for the name 'filter' 
in this thread ( 
), but strangely, it seems that nothing ever happened afterwards! The 
thread just sorta fizzled out and people forgot about it. I bring this up 
again, because I strongly believe that a function this common and important 
should have a simple and clear name that doesn't confuse people. (Indeed, I 
would be fine with the names 'keepIf' and 'dropIf' for these functions as 
that thread suggested. I note though, that if Elm went that route, then 
'take' should be changed to 'keep' to keep things orthogonal.)

(5) The ones that don't exist (in List and/or Array): singleton, range, 
none, tails, shuffle
(a) 'singleton' : Dict and Set have it, why not List? Because I can just do 
'[a]'? But what if I want to pass it as an argument? Creating a lambda 
right there just for that feels silly.
(b) 'range' : Again, I want to be able to pass it into another function 
without creating a one-time-use lambda for '[a .. b]'.
(c) 'none' : 'all (not << f)'. Again, it's simpler to reason about one name 
than two: 'none isRed' sounds more natural than 'all (not << isRed)'.
(d) 'tails' : It's in Haskell's Data.List, so why not here? Is it too 
rarely-used and intimidating to the beginner who stumbles upon it in the 
standard library, perhaps? They'll be grateful the day when they realize 
that they need it though.
(e) 'shuffle' : This *really* should be provided. Do we really want 
everybody and their dog reinventing the square wheel? Writing a 
fisher-yates shuffle improperly can introduce subtle imbalances in the 
output that can go unnoticed for a long time. Elm can nip all these errors 
in the bud by providing a correct fisher-yates shuffle in the standard 
library. Wanting to shuffle a list or array isn't even an uncommon thing to 
do!, so I was surprised when it wasn't in the standard library.

When exploring a new language, I hate having to write a bunch of basic 
functions to finish what feels like an incomplete standard library. I want 
to get to writing *my* program right away, without first having to 
supplement the standard library.

(6) Honorable Mention: String (the type)
(a) The name is completely opaque to beginners to programming. However, 
changing this to 'Text' would be a huge breaking change.
(b) The snarky side of me always asks: "A string *of what*?"

Thanks for reading.

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