branch: scratch/editorconfig-cc
commit d7a42c819cf8f36e63a756fc1e10636491d4b0a4
Author: 10sr <>
Commit: Stefan Monnier <>

    Add editorconfig-core el files
 bin/editorconfig-el         | 102 +++++++++++++++
 editorconfig-core-handle.el | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 editorconfig-core.el        | 208 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 editorconfig-fnmatch.el     | 307 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 editorconfig.el             |   1 +
 5 files changed, 816 insertions(+)

diff --git a/bin/editorconfig-el b/bin/editorconfig-el
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..fbba8ea971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/editorconfig-el
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+:;test -n "$EMACS_BIN" || EMACS_BIN=emacs
+:;exec "$EMACS_BIN" -batch -Q --eval '(setq debug-on-error t)' -l "$0" -- "$@"
+;; editorconfig-el --- EditorConfig Core executable in Emacs Lisp
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This executable is mainly for testing core feature, and not intended to be
+;; used by users.
+;;; Code:
+  (setq load-path
+        (append (split-string (getenv "EDITORCONFIG_CORE_LIBRARY_PATH")
+                             ":")
+               load-path)))
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(require 'editorconfig-core)
+(defconst editorconfig-bin-help-message
+  "Usage: editorconfig [-f <configname>] [-b <configversion>] [-h|--help]
+                    [-v|--version] [<filepath> ...]
+    -f <configname>     Specify config filename other than \".editorconfig\"
+    -b <configversion>  Specify config format version
+    -h|--help           Print this help message
+    -v|--version        Display version information
+    <filepath> ...      File paths to get EditorConfig properties"
+  "Help message of EditorConfig executable.")
+(defun editorconfig-bin-parse-args
+    (argv &optional confname version)
+  "Parse arguments and return list.
+List returned will be looked like (FILES CONFNAME VERSION).
+If either -v, --version, -h or --help option apprears, exit emacs immediately
+with required output."
+  (unless argv
+    (message editorconfig-bin-help-message)
+    (kill-emacs 0))
+  (cl-case (intern (car argv))
+    (-f
+     (editorconfig-bin-parse-args (cddr argv)
+                                  (cadr argv)
+                                  version))
+    (-b
+     (editorconfig-bin-parse-args (cddr argv)
+                                  confname
+                                  (cadr argv)))
+    ((-h --help)
+     (message editorconfig-bin-help-message)
+     (kill-emacs 0))
+    ((-v --version)
+     (message "EditorConfig-Core-EmacsLisp Version %s"
+              editorconfig-core-version)
+     (kill-emacs 0))
+    (otherwise
+     (when (and argv
+                (string-match-p "^-"
+                                (car argv)))
+       (error "Invalid option: %s"
+              (car argv)))
+     (list argv
+           confname
+           version))
+    ))
+(defun main (argv)
+  ;; TODO: Read file list from stdin if - is given as FILENAME
+  (let ((parsed (editorconfig-bin-parse-args argv)))
+    (cl-case (length (car parsed))
+      (0
+       nil)
+      (1
+       (dolist (p (editorconfig-core-get-properties (caar parsed)
+                                                    (nth 1 parsed)
+                                                    (nth 2 parsed)))
+         (message "%s=%s"
+                  (car p)
+                  (cdr p))))
+      (otherwise
+       (dolist (file (car parsed))
+         (message "[%s]"
+                  file)
+         (dolist (p (editorconfig-core-get-properties file
+                                                      (nth 1 parsed)
+                                                      (nth 2 parsed)))
+           (message "%s=%s"
+                    (car p)
+                    (cdr p)))))))
+  0)
+;; car of command-line-args-left is "--"
+(kill-emacs (main (cdr command-line-args-left)))
+;;; editorconfig-el ends here
diff --git a/editorconfig-core-handle.el b/editorconfig-core-handle.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ac9fa2e2a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editorconfig-core-handle.el
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+;;; editorconfig-core-handle.el --- Handle Class for EditorConfig File
+;; Copyright (C) 2011-2015 EditorConfig Team
+;; Author: EditorConfig Team <>
+;; Version: 0.5
+;; URL:
+;; See
+;; or the CONTRIBUTORS file for the list of contributors.
+;; This file is part of EditorConfig Emacs Plugin.
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+;; option) any later version.
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Handle class for EditorConfig config file. This library is used internally
+;; from editorconfig-core.el .
+;;; Code:
+(require 'editorconfig-fnmatch)
+;; For cl-defstruct
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defvar editorconfig-core-handle--cache-hash
+  (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+  "Hash of EditorConfig filename and its `editorconfig-core-handle' instance.")
+(cl-defstruct editorconfig-core-handle
+  (top-prop nil)
+  (prop nil)
+  (mtime nil)
+  (path nil))
+(defun editorconfig-core-handle (conf)
+  "Return EditorConfig handle for CONF, which should be a file path.
+If CONF does not exist return nil."
+  (when (file-readable-p conf)
+    (let ((cached (gethash conf
+                           editorconfig-core-handle--cache-hash))
+          (mtime (nth 5
+                      (file-attributes conf))))
+      (if (and cached
+               (equal (editorconfig-core-handle-mtime cached)
+                      mtime))
+          cached
+        (let ((parsed (editorconfig-core-handle--parse-file conf)))
+          (puthash conf
+                   (make-editorconfig-core-handle :top-prop (car parsed)
+                                                  :prop (cdr parsed)
+                                                  :mtime mtime
+                                                  :path conf)
+                   editorconfig-core-handle--cache-hash))))))
+(defun editorconfig-core-handle-root-p (handle)
+  "Return non-nil if HANDLE represent root EditorConfig file.
+If HANDLE is nil return nil."
+  (when handle
+    (string-equal "true"
+             (downcase (or (cdr (assoc "root"
+                                       (editorconfig-core-handle-top-prop 
+                           "")))))
+(defun editorconfig-core-handle-get-properties (handle file)
+  "Return list of alist of properties from HANDLE for FILE.
+The list returned will be ordered by the lines they appear.
+If HANDLE is nil return nil."
+  (when handle
+    (mapcar 'cdr
+            (cl-remove-if-not (lambda (prop)
+                                (editorconfig-core-handle--fnmatch-p file
+                                                                     (car prop)
(file-name-directory (editorconfig-core-handle-path handle))))
+                              (editorconfig-core-handle-prop handle)))))
+(defun editorconfig-core-handle--fnmatch-p (name pattern dir)
+  "Return non-nil if NAME match PATTERN.
+If pattern has slash, pattern should be relative to DIR.
+This function is a fnmatch with a few modification for EditorConfig usage."
+  (if (string-match-p "/" pattern)
+      (let ((pattern (replace-regexp-in-string "^/"
+                                               ""
+                                               pattern))
+            (dir (file-name-as-directory dir)))
+        (editorconfig-fnmatch-p name
+                                (concat dir
+                                        pattern)))
+    (editorconfig-fnmatch-p name
+                            (concat "**/"
+                                    pattern))))
+(defsubst editorconfig-core-handle--string-trim (str)
+  "Remove leading and trailing whitespace from STR."
+  (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t\n\r]+\\'"
+                            ""
+                            (replace-regexp-in-string "\\`[ \t\n\r]+"
+                                                      ""
+                                                      str)))
+(defun editorconfig-core-handle--parse-file (conf)
+  "Parse EditorConfig file CONF.
+This function returns cons of its top properties alist and
+alist of patterns and its properties alist.
+The list returned will be ordered by the lines they appear.
+If CONF is not found return nil."
+  (when (file-readable-p conf)
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      ;; NOTE: Use this instead of insert-file-contents-literally to enable
+      ;; code conversion
+      (insert-file-contents conf)
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (let ((point-max (point-max))
+            (all-props ())
+            (top-props nil)
+            ;; String of current line
+            (line "")
+            ;; nil when pattern not appeared yet, "" when pattern is empty 
+            (pattern nil)
+            ;; Alist of properties for current PATTERN
+            (props ())
+            )
+        (while (not (eq (point) point-max))
+          (setq line
+                (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-at-bol)
+                                                (point-at-eol)))
+          (setq line
+                (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(^\\| \\)\\(#\\|;\\).*$"
+                                          ""
(editorconfig-core-handle--string-trim line)))
+          (cond
+           ((string-equal "" line)
+            nil)
+           ((string-match "^\\[\\(.*\\)\\]$"
+                          line)
+            (when pattern
+              (setq all-props
+                    `(,@all-props (,pattern . ,props)))
+              (setq props nil))
+            (setq pattern (match-string 1 line)))
+           ((string-match-p "=\\|:"
+                            line)
+            ;; NOTE: Using match-string does not work as expected
+            (let* (
+                   (idx (string-match "=\\|:"
+                                      line))
+                   (key (downcase (editorconfig-core-handle--string-trim 
(substring line
+                   (value (editorconfig-core-handle--string-trim (substring 
(1+ idx))))
+                   )
+              (when (and (< (length key) 51)
+                         (< (length value) 256))
+                (if pattern
+                    (when (< (length pattern) 4097)
+                      (setq props
+                            `(,@props (,key . ,value))))
+                  (setq top-props
+                        `(,@top-props (,key . ,value)))))))
+           )
+          (forward-line 1))
+        (when pattern
+          (setq all-props
+                `(,@all-props (,pattern . ,props))))
+        (cons top-props
+              all-props)))))
+(provide 'editorconfig-core-handle)
+;;; editorconfig-core-handle.el ends here
diff --git a/editorconfig-core.el b/editorconfig-core.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5dee261f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editorconfig-core.el
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+;;; editorconfig-core.el --- EditorConfig Core library in Emacs Lisp
+;; Copyright (C) 2011-2015 EditorConfig Team
+;; Author: EditorConfig Team <>
+;; Version: 0.5
+;; URL:
+;; Package-Requires: ((editorconfig-fnmatch "20151023.1021") (cl-lib "0.5"))
+;; See
+;; or the CONTRIBUTORS file for the list of contributors.
+;; This file is part of EditorConfig Emacs Plugin.
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+;; option) any later version.
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This library is one implementation of EditorConfig Core, which parses
+;; .editorconfig files and returns properties for given files.
+;; This can be used in place of, for example, editorconfig-core-c.
+;; This library is not an editor plugin and does not configure Emacs for 
+;; the files: this should be done with editorconfig-emacs.
+;; Use from EditorConfig Emacs Plugin
+;; editorconfig-emacs (v0.5 or later) can utilize this library.
+;; Add following lines to your init.el:
+;;     (setq editorconfig-get-properties-function
+;;           'editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash)
+;; This sexp configures editorconfig-emacs to call this library when getting
+;; EditorConfig properties instead of the default function
+;; editorconfig-get-properties-from-exec, which invokes external program
+;; like editorconfig-core-c.
+;; Functions
+;; editorconfig-core-get-properties (&optional file confname confversion)
+;; Get EditorConfig properties for FILE.
+;; If FILE is not given, use currently visiting file.
+;; Give CONFNAME for basename of config file other than .editorconfig.
+;; If need to specify config format version, give CONFVERSION.
+;; This functions returns alist of properties. Each element will look like
+;; (KEY . VALUE) .
+;; editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash (&optional file confname confversion)
+;; Get EditorConfig properties for FILE.
+;; This function is almost same as `editorconfig-core-get-properties', but
+;; returns hash object instead.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'editorconfig-core-handle)
+(defconst editorconfig-core-version
+  "0.1.5"
+  "EditorConfig core version.")
+(defun editorconfig-core--remove-duplicate (alist)
+  "Remove duplicated keys in ALIST.
+If same keys are found in ALIST multiple times, the latter ones take 
+For example, when ALIST is
+    '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (b 4))
+then the result will be
+    '((a 1) (b 4) (c 3)) ."
+  (let ((result ()))
+    (dolist (e alist)
+      (let ((pair (assoc (car e)
+                         result)))
+        (if pair
+            (setcdr pair
+                    (cdr e))
+          (setq result
+                `(,@result ,e)))))
+    result))
+(defun editorconfig-core--get-handles (dir confname &optional result)
+  "Get list of EditorConfig handlers for DIR from CONFNAME.
+In the resulting list, the handle for root config file comes first, and the
+nearest comes last.
+The list may contains nil when no file was found for directories.
+RESULT is used internally and normally should not be used."
+  (setq dir (expand-file-name dir))
+  (let ((handle (editorconfig-core-handle (concat (file-name-as-directory dir)
+                                                  confname)))
+        (parent (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
+    (if (or (string= parent
+                     dir)
+            (and handle
+                 (editorconfig-core-handle-root-p handle)))
+        (cons handle result)
+      (editorconfig-core--get-handles parent
+                                      confname
+                                      (cons handle
+                                            result)))))
+(defun editorconfig-core-get-properties (&optional file confname confversion)
+  "Get EditorConfig properties for FILE.
+If FILE is not given, use currently visiting file.
+Give CONFNAME for basename of config file other than .editorconfig.
+If need to specify config format version, give CONFVERSION.
+This functions returns alist of properties.  Each element will look like
+'(KEY . VALUE) ."
+  (setq file (expand-file-name (or file
+                                   buffer-file-name
+                                   (error "FILE is not given and 
`buffer-file-name' is nil"))))
+  (setq confname (or confname
+                     ".editorconfig"))
+  (setq confversion (or confversion
+                        "0.12.0"))
+  (let ((result (editorconfig-core--remove-duplicate
+                 (apply 'append
+                        (mapcar (lambda (handle)
+                                  (apply 'append
(editorconfig-core-handle-get-properties handle
+                                (editorconfig-core--get-handles 
(file-name-directory file)
+                                                                confname))))))
+    (dolist (key '("end_of_line" "indent_style" "indent_size"
+                   "insert_final_newline" "trim_trailing_whitespace" 
+      (let ((pair (assoc key
+                         result)))
+        (when pair
+          (setcdr pair
+                  (downcase (cdr pair))))))
+    ;; Add indent_size property
+    (let ((p-indent-size (assoc "indent_size" result))
+          (p-indent-style (assoc "indent_style" result)))
+      (when (and (not p-indent-size)
+                 (string= (cdr p-indent-style) "tab")
+                 ;; If VERSION < 0.9.0, indent_size should have no default 
+                 (version<= "0.9.0"
+                            confversion))
+        (setq result
+              `(,@result ("indent_size" . "tab")))))
+    ;; Add tab_width property
+    (let ((p-indent-size (assoc "indent_size" result))
+          (p-tab-width (assoc "tab_width" result)))
+      (when (and p-indent-size
+                 (not p-tab-width)
+                 (not (string= (cdr p-indent-size) "tab")))
+        (setq result
+              `(,@result ("tab_width" . ,(cdr p-indent-size))))))
+    ;; Update indent-size property
+    (let ((p-indent-size (assoc "indent_size" result))
+          (p-tab-width (assoc "tab_width" result)))
+      (when (and p-indent-size
+                 p-tab-width
+                 (string= (cdr p-indent-size) "tab"))
+        (setcdr p-indent-size (cdr p-tab-width))))
+    result))
+(defun editorconfig-core-get-properties-hash (&optional file confname 
+  "Get EditorConfig properties for FILE.
+If FILE is not given, use currently visiting file.
+Give CONFNAME for basename of config file other than .editorconfig.
+If need to specify config format version, give CONFVERSION.
+This function is almost same as `editorconfig-core-get-properties', but returns
+hash object instead."
+  (let ((result (editorconfig-core-get-properties file
+                                                  confname
+                                                  confversion))
+        (hash (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+    (dolist (prop result)
+      (puthash (intern (car prop))
+               (cdr prop)
+               hash))
+    hash))
+(provide 'editorconfig-core)
+;;; editorconfig-core.el ends here
diff --git a/editorconfig-fnmatch.el b/editorconfig-fnmatch.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4096eaf158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/editorconfig-fnmatch.el
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+;;; editorconfig-fnmatch.el --- Glob pattern matching in Emacs lisp
+;; Copyright (C) 2011-2015 EditorConfig Team
+;; Author: EditorConfig Team <>
+;; Version: 0.5
+;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.5"))
+;; URL:
+;; See
+;; or the CONTRIBUTORS file for the list of contributors.
+;; This file is part of EditorConfig Emacs Plugin.
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+;; option) any later version.
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+;; EditorConfig Emacs Plugin. If not, see <>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; editorconfig-fnmatch.el provides a fnmatch implementation with a few
+;; extensions.
+;; The main usage of this library is glob pattern matching for EditorConfig, 
+;; it can also act solely.
+;; editorconfig-fnmatch-p (name pattern)
+;; Test whether NAME match PATTERN.
+;; PATTERN should be a shell glob pattern, and some zsh-like wildcard matchings
+;; can be used:
+;; *           Matches any string of characters, except path separators (/)
+;; **          Matches any string of characters
+;; ?           Matches any single character
+;; [name]      Matches any single character in name
+;; [^name]     Matches any single character not in name
+;; {s1,s2,s3}  Matches any of the strings given (separated by commas)
+;; {min..max}  Matches any number between min and max
+;; This library is a port from editorconfig-core-py library.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defvar editorconfig-fnmatch--cache-hash
+  (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
+  "Cache of shell pattern and its translation.")
+(defconst editorconfig-fnmatch--left-brace-regexp
+  "\\(^\\|[^\\]\\){"
+  "Regular expression for left brace ({).")
+(defconst editorconfig-fnmatch--right-brace-regexp
+  "\\(^\\|[^\\]\\)}"
+  "Regular expression for right brace (}).")
+(defconst editorconfig-fnmatch--numeric-range-regexp
+  "\\([+-]?[0-9]+\\)\\.\\.\\([+-]?[0-9]+\\)"
+  "Regular expression for numaric range (like {-3..+3}).")
+(defun editorconfig-fnmatch--match-num (regexp string)
+  "Return how many times REGEXP is found in STRING."
+  (let ((num 0))
+    ;; START arg does not work as expected in this case
+    (while (string-match regexp string)
+      (setq num (1+ num)
+            string (substring string (match-end 0))))
+    num))
+(defun editorconfig-fnmatch-p (name pattern)
+  "Test whether NAME match PATTERN.
+Matching ignores case if `case-fold-search' is non-nil.
+PATTERN should be a shell glob pattern, and some zsh-like wildcard matchings 
+be used:
+*           Matches any string of characters, except path separators (/)
+**          Matches any string of characters
+?           Matches any single character
+[name]      Matches any single character in name
+[^name]     Matches any single character not in name
+{s1,s2,s3}  Matches any of the strings given (separated by commas)
+{min..max}  Matches any number between min and max"
+  (let* ((translated (editorconfig-fnmatch-translate pattern))
+         (re (car translated))
+         (num-groups (nth 1 translated))
+         (match (string-match re name))
+         (num-groups-len (length num-groups))
+         (pattern-matched t))
+    (when match
+      (let (num-group matched-num-str matched-num min-num max-num)
+        (dotimes (index num-groups-len)
+          (setq num-group (nth index num-groups))
+          (setq matched-num-str (match-string (1+ index)
+                                              name)
+                min-num (car num-group)
+                max-num (nth 1 num-group))
+          (setq matched-num (string-to-number matched-num-str))
+          (when (or (= (aref matched-num-str 0)
+                       ?0)
+                    (< matched-num min-num)
+                    (< max-num matched-num))
+            (setq pattern-matched nil))))
+      pattern-matched)))
+;;(editorconfig-fnmatch-translate "{a,{-3..3}}.js")
+;;(editorconfig-fnmatch-p "1.js" "{a,{-3..3}}.js")
+(defun editorconfig-fnmatch-translate (pattern)
+  "Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression.
+Translation result will be cached, so same translation will not be done twice."
+  (let ((cached (gethash pattern
+                         editorconfig-fnmatch--cache-hash)))
+    (or cached
+        (puthash pattern
+                 (editorconfig-fnmatch--do-translate pattern)
+                 editorconfig-fnmatch--cache-hash))))
+(defun editorconfig-fnmatch--do-translate (pattern &optional nested)
+  "Translate a shell PATTERN to a regular expression.
+Set NESTED to t when this function is called from itself.
+This function is called from `editorconfig-fnmatch-translate', when no cached
+translation is found for PATTERN."
+  (let ((index 0)
+        (length (length pattern))
+        (brace-level 0)
+        (in-brackets nil)
+        ;; List of strings of resulting regexp
+        (result ())
+        (is-escaped nil)
+        (matching-braces (= (editorconfig-fnmatch--match-num
+                             editorconfig-fnmatch--left-brace-regexp
+                             pattern)
+                            (editorconfig-fnmatch--match-num
+                             editorconfig-fnmatch--right-brace-regexp
+                             pattern)))
+        (numeric-groups ())
+        current-char
+        pos
+        has-slash
+        has-comma
+        num-range)
+    (while (< index length)
+      (if (and (not is-escaped)
+               (string-match "[^]\\*?[{},/\\-]+"
+               ;;(string-match "[^]\\*?[{},/\\-]+" "?.a")
+                             pattern
+                             index)
+               (eq index (match-beginning 0)))
+          (setq result `(,@result ,(regexp-quote (match-string 0 pattern)))
+                index (match-end 0)
+                is-escaped nil)
+        (setq current-char (aref pattern index)
+              index (1+ index))
+        (cl-case current-char
+          (?*
+           (setq pos index)
+           (if (and (< pos length)
+                    (= (aref pattern pos) ?*))
+               (setq result `(,@result ".*"))
+             (setq result `(,@result "[^/]*"))))
+          (??
+           (setq result `(,@result ".")))
+          (?\[
+           (if in-brackets
+               (setq result `(,@result "\\["))
+             (setq pos index
+                   has-slash nil)
+             (while (and (< pos length)
+                         (not (= (aref pattern pos) ?\]))
+                         (not has-slash))
+               (if (and (= (aref pattern pos) ?/)
+                        (not (= (aref pattern (- pos 1)) ?\\)))
+                   (setq has-slash t)
+                 (setq pos (1+ pos))))
+             (if has-slash
+                 (setq result `(,@result ,(concat "\\["
+                                                  (substring pattern
+                                                             index
+                                                             (1+ pos))
+                                                  "\\]"))
+                       index (+ pos 2))
+               (if (and (< index length)
+                        (memq (aref pattern index)
+                              '(?! ?^)))
+                   (setq index (1+ index)
+                         result `(,@result "[^"))
+                 (setq result `(,@result "[")))
+               (setq in-brackets t))))
+          (?-
+           (if in-brackets
+               (setq result `(,@result "-"))
+             (setq result `(,@result "\\-"))))
+          (?\]
+           (setq result `(,@result "]")
+                 in-brackets nil))
+          (?{
+           (setq pos index
+                 has-comma nil)
+           (while (and (or (and (< pos length)
+                                (not (= (aref pattern pos)
+                                        ?})))
+                           is-escaped)
+                       (not has-comma))
+             (if (and (eq (aref pattern pos)
+                          ?,)
+                      (not is-escaped))
+                 (setq has-comma t)
+               (setq is-escaped (and (eq (aref pattern pos)
+                                         ?\\)
+                                     (not is-escaped))
+                     pos (1+ pos))))
+           (if (and (not has-comma)
+                    (< pos length))
+               (let ((pattern-sub (substring pattern index pos)))
+                 (setq num-range (string-match 
+                                               pattern-sub))
+                 (if num-range
+                     (setq numeric-groups `(,@numeric-groups ,(mapcar 
+                                                                      (list 
(match-string 1
(match-string 2
+                           result `(,@result "\\([+-]?[0-9]+\\)"))
+                   (let ((inner (editorconfig-fnmatch--do-translate 
pattern-sub t)))
+                     (setq result `(,@result ,(format "{%s}"
+                                                      (car inner)))
+                           numeric-groups `(,@numeric-groups ,@(nth 1 
+                 (setq index (1+ pos)))
+             (if matching-braces
+                 (setq result `(,@result "\\(?:")
+                       brace-level (1+ brace-level))
+               (setq result `(,@result "{")))))
+          (?,
+           (if (and (> brace-level 0)
+                    (not is-escaped))
+               (setq result `(,@result "\\|"))
+             (setq result `(,@result "\\,"))))
+          (?}
+           (if (and (> brace-level 0)
+                    (not is-escaped))
+               (setq result `(,@result "\\)")
+                     brace-level (- brace-level 1))
+             (setq result `(,@result "}"))))
+          (?/
+           (if (and (<= (+ index 3)
+                        (length pattern))
+                    (string= (substring pattern index (+ index 3))
+                             "**/"))
+               (setq result `(,@result "\\(?:/\\|/.*/\\)")
+                     index (+ index 3))
+             (setq result `(,@result "/"))))
+          (t
+           (unless (= current-char
+                      ?\\)
+             (setq result `(,@result ,(regexp-quote (char-to-string 
+        (if (= current-char ?\\)
+            (progn (when is-escaped
+                     (setq result `(,@result "\\\\")))
+                   (setq is-escaped (not is-escaped)))
+          (setq is-escaped nil))))
+    (unless nested
+      (setq result `("^" ,@result "\\'")))
+    (list (mapconcat 'identity
+                     result
+                     "")
+          numeric-groups)))
+(provide 'editorconfig-fnmatch)
+;;; editorconfig-fnmatch.el ends here
diff --git a/editorconfig.el b/editorconfig.el
index 2ec930e9e6..174ad8f679 100644
--- a/editorconfig.el
+++ b/editorconfig.el
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 ;; Author: EditorConfig Team <>
 ;; Version: 0.5
 ;; URL:
+;; Package-Requires: ((editorconfig-core "20151107.831"))
 ;; See

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