Manish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 5:40 PM, Richard G Riley wrote:
>> Manish  writes:
>>>   On Sat, Jun 21, 2008 at 6:57 AM, Richard G Riley wrote:
>>>   >
>>>   > I am trying to use org-publish
>>>   >
>>>   > I have defined
>>>   >
>>>   > (setq org-publish-project-alist
>>>   >      '(("RgrBlog"
>>>   >         :base-directory "/home/rgr/.emacs.d/org-files/"
>>>   >         :publishing-directory "~/webs/rgr/public_html/org-publish/"
>>>   >         :section-numbers nil
>>>   >         :author "rgr"
>>>   >         :table-of-contents t
>>>   >         :style "<link rel=stylesheet
>>>   >                     href=\"stylesheet.css\"
>>>   >                     type=\"text/css\">")))
>>>   >
>>>   > But when I call org-publish I get nothing. Obviously I have missed
>>>   > something obvious (the directories are correct) since no files appear at
>>>   > all.
>>> I have also been trying to make this work and have a similar setup.
>>> Not sure if this will help in your case but try adding:
>>>    :publishing-function org-publish-org-to-html
>> Did this work for you? It made no difference in my case.
> Actually, no.  The reason I mentioned it was because it seemed to
> be a required setting.  I suspect it's not working for me because
> of some conflicting settings somewhere (been frobbing with my
> setup lately.)  I am sorry it didn't work.  Sorry for the noise.
> -- Manish

Could someone who uses org-publish possibly post their setting for this
variable and possibly a subset (including header) of a published file?

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