I have some org files where each headline corresponds to an entry in a
bibliography. The headlines each have attached to them a pdf file of
the corresponding document. The attachment directory is set as a
file-level property and inherited by the children (this is so that I can
access the
Hi Ted,
Welcome to org-mode, and thanks for the patch!
I have one small comment:
2013ko abenudak 15an, Ted Wiles-ek idatzi zuen:
> Took out the hardcoded todo-state
> * lisp/org-habit.el
> The "DONE" keyword was hardcoded in. This is my first patch (ever, to
> anything).
1) In exporting the following org buffer to latex, I get the following
stack trace (at end of email because of length):
#+options: |:nil
| foo | bar |
2) When exporting the following buffer to latex:
#+options: ^:nil
I get (ignoring document preambl
Took out the hardcoded todo-state
* lisp/org-habit.el
The "DONE" keyword was hardcoded in. This is my first patch (ever, to
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
lisp/org-habit.el |3 ++-
Modified lisp/org-habit.el
diff --git a/lisp/org-habit
2013ko abenudak 12an, Nicolas Goaziou-ek idatzi zuen:
> No, it just means that I didn't put much thought into it. It also means
> that I would prefer something more natural (and simpler) than such an
> ad-hoc rule.
> If you work on it and really think it is an improvement over existing
> situati
Hi David,
This file has been removed since it was a really old copy of the
document. It seems this is no longer supported by the current export
"Loyall, David" writes:
> Hello, Bernt.
> According to your famous org-mode.org document (thank you!) this file:
Eric Schulte writes:
> Nicolas Goaziou writes:
>> In fact, they are already mandatory. The problem is different. Current
>> regexp is:
>> "\\([^\n]*?\\)call_\\([^()\n]+?\\)\\(\\[\\(.*?\\)\\]\\|\\(\\)\\)(\\([^\n]*?\\))\\(\\[\\(.*?\\)\\]\\)?"
>> In particular, name is \\([^()\n
Mirko Vukovic writes:
> Is there a command to generate a pdf output of a single beamer frame?
> The command would generate the latex file with the correct header, and a
> single frame, and process it into a pdf file.
I don't think this is possible as the headline levels affect structure
in bea
Thierry Banel writes:
> Eric Schulte gmail.com> writes:
>> I think this incorporation into ob-C.el would be the next logical step.
>> You'd want to use the `org-babel-c-variant' in the same manner as C++
>> does currently. But there's no rush, and any changes there couldn't be
>> merged u
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
> Hello,
> Eric Schulte writes:
>> Nicolas Goaziou writes:
>>> Just to be clear, I thought about making parens mandatory in inline
>>> Babel call syntax. Underscore is overloaded already: underline,
>>> subscript...
>> I'm open to this change.
> In fact, t
The thread's a bit stale, so sorry if I'm beating a dead horse here,
On 5 December 2013 20:15, John Hendy wrote:
> Can you do it straight from R? Might be a better place to start? If not, I'd
> look into that first to avoid googling org and ESS stuff in vain!
More concrete: Try using cairo
On 12/14/2013 12:01 PM, Catonano wrote:
> 2013/12/11 Nicolas Goaziou
>> Scott Randby writes:
>>> I already have the following in my file:
>>> #+HTML_DOCTYPE: html5
>> You need to upgrade Org then.
> I have Org 8.2.4 and it doesn't work anyway
I upgraded Org and my problems
Hey Tim,
I realise this is from over 4 years ago, but I was wondering if you'd
made any progress with org-action-verbs since then? It's a great idea
and IMHO worthy of being made into a package.
On 1 October 2009 03:29, Tim O'Callaghan wrote:
> Small update. Fixes the problem of t
Dror Atariah writes:
> On Dec 14, 2013, at 22:06 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
>> Nick Dokos writes:
>>> Dror Atariah writes:
2. What's next? I believe this is a bug... How can I report it?
>>> Consider it reported - thanks for checking it. I'll push the proposed fix
>>> later
> > I need #+attr_latex to come after #begin_threeparttable. Otherwise, it is
> > not used.
> You can have both. The "attr_latex" line I suggest applies to the
> "table" environment below. It doesn't prevent you to add another one
> applying to the "tabularx" environment.
> Attributes apply t
Vikas Rawal writes:
>> Try this:
>> #+name: gharsondi-yield
>> #+caption: Average yields of selected crops in Gharsondi, Gwalior,
>> Madhya Pradesh and India, 2007-08 (kilograms per acre)
>> #+attr_latex: :options [htb]
>> #+begin_table
>> #+begin_threeparttable
> I need #+at
> Try this:
> #+name: gharsondi-yield
> #+caption: Average yields of selected crops in Gharsondi, Gwalior,
> Madhya Pradesh and India, 2007-08 (kilograms per acre)
> #+attr_latex: :options [htb]
> #+begin_table
> #+begin_threeparttable
Thanks Nicolas.
I need #+attr_latex to come a
Catonano writes:
> I made a temporary repository here
> https://github.com/humanitiesNerd/exploring-org-mode
> in case anyone wants to take a look
In "configuration.el" you use
:org-html-html5-fancy 1
but it should be
:html-html5-fancy 1
Nicolas Goaziou
Catonano writes:
> 2013/12/11 Nicolas Goaziou
>> Scott Randby writes:
>> > I already have the following in my file:
>> >
>> > #+HTML_DOCTYPE: html5
>> You need to upgrade Org then.
> I have Org 8.2.4 and it doesn't work anyway
But your problem may be different from Scott'
Vikas Rawal writes:
> On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Vikas Rawal <
> vikasli...@agrarianresearch.org> wrote:
>> Nicolas,
>> Special blocks seem to work very well, actually. Thank you.
> On further exploration, there seems to be a problem.
> As you can see in the example
Sorry again. Found the solution.
#+begin_threeparttable must come after name and caption.
The following works:
Org syntax:
#+NAME: gharsondi-yield
#+CAPTION: Average yields of selected crops in Gharsondi, Gwalior, Madhya
Pradesh and India, 2007-08 (kilograms per acre)
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Vikas Rawal <
vikasli...@agrarianresearch.org> wrote:
> Nicolas,
> Special blocks seem to work very well, actually. Thank you.
On further exploration, there seems to be a problem.
As you can see in the example below, \end{table} is wrongly placed.
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