[Orgmode] include an .org file and lower the level of all its headers

2010-11-10 Thread Jianshi Huang
Hi, I know I can include any file using #+INCLUDE. I need to include several org files, but they were edited independently as a complete document. Now I want to lower the levels of headers in these org files automatically during inclusion. Is there a way to do that? Cheers, Jianshi __

[Orgmode] Fold/unfold part of a paragraph

2010-11-09 Thread Jianshi Huang
Hello, Is there a way to fold/unfold part of a paragraph? Something like a headline but can be inlined in a paragraph. For example, when folded, it will look like Here is the <>. Where <> can be expanded to some full explanation. And when exported, the full explanation will be used. Jiansh

[Orgmode] CJK LaTeX strangeness

2009-05-13 Thread Jianshi Huang
Hi, I wanted to export a org file that contains some Japanese characters to PDF. I used CJK package but when exporting the file, it hung my emacs. I was doing something like this: #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{CJK} #+LATEX: \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{gothic} * 日本語テスト こんにちは #+LATEX: \end{CJK} Also if