TEC <tecos...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hence, any and all concerns about feature parity etc. are completely
> resolved. One 'just' needs to implement the bindings and piping (as
> opposed to the whole shebang).

Something that I am missing when hacking on org-mode is some form of api
reference. Things like 'org-map-entries' or 'org-agenda-get-deadlines'
can be very useful for when you want to extend org's functionality, or
use org's functionality in a different way, but can be hard to find.

In order to implement this "Emacs as org-mode lsp server" idea I think org
would need a stable (for some measure of stable) api, which I think
would benefit org anyways. I think it would be a good idea at least to
put some some effort into gathering the useful functions and put that
list somewhere in the manual for example.



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