Richard Riley <rileyrgdev <at>> writes:

> I've just spent a short time giving the crash test dummy procedure to a
> few git interfaces for emacs. All have their benefits. A lot have their
> negatives, But my immediate favourite for anyone thinking of using emacs
> interface to git for org is the following:
> It doesn't come with a lot of default key bindings but the two most
> important for those familiar with vc-backend are there:
> C-x v v
> and
> C-x v =

egg's file-oriented minor-mode also has those 2 mappings (as well as
other vc main keys such as C-x v u, C-x vl, etc.)

> git-diff interfaces nicely to ediff.

if the egg's status buffer, if you type [RET] at a conflicting delta
(after a merge/rebase), egg will launch ediff3 to let you resolve the

> magit and egg tend to
> git-status centric as opposed to file centric.

egg is has minor-mode which is fairly file-oriented. egg's "C-x v v"
sequence is customizable to match your personal workflow

> emacs-git is a nice
> mixture. It palms off the log/history interface to gitk - no need to
> reinvent the wheel.

egg uses the log buffer to do branch/tag creation/deletion as well
as pull/push/fetch etc.

> Simple, powerful, extensible. Recommended.
> Oh, but missing staging .... which magit and egg support but vc-git,
> git.el and emacs-git do not. I think ... 

magit and egg main raison-d'etre was exactly that: hunk-by-hunk

I haven't touch egg for a while and of course I'm biased.

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