I’m using org-mode to generate a markdown README for a project that is
under version control. I’ve noticed that the anchor tags used for the
table of contents seem to be annoyingly random and change from export
to export. Is it possible to make the generated ids deterministic?

For example one invocation of ~org-md-export-to-markdown~ will give me

1.  [Introduction](#org8f0a2e0)
2.  [Roadmap](#orga3f4ca7)

While exporting a second time, even if there are no changes to the
file, will produce something different such as:

1.  [Introduction](#org775f005)
2.  [Roadmap](#orgccee397)

While these identifiers are generally not visible to a reader, they
add noise to the version control diffs. I'm wondering if it's possible
to force the relevantrandom number generator to use a fixed seed or,
more ideally, have the ids be based on the section title (or its


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