Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> presumably one might have backslash sequences in example blocks, or in
>> the main text, or ...? i don't know enough to have any idea if there is
>> some general mechanism that might solve all those.
> See the attached tentative patch.
Fixed, on main.
Greg Minshall writes:
>> #+begin_src bash :results output :exports code :eval never-export
>> echo 'lf "\n"'
>> #+end_src
> it seems that `.man` files are in troff(1) format, which uses backslash
> escapes up the wazoo (however that is spelled). it seems that (one way)
> to getting a backsla
> #+begin_src bash :results output :exports code :eval never-export
> echo 'lf "\n"'
> #+end_src
it seems that `.man` files are in troff(1) format, which uses backslash
escapes up the wazoo (however that is spelled). it seems that (one way)
to getting a backslash character through troff is repr
hi, all.
this works when exporting as a .pdf or a .html. but, not when
exporting to 'ox-man:
#+begin_src bash :results output :exports code :eval never-export
echo 'lf "\n"'
(the result has a "0" in it, appears to have gotten confused by maybe
trying to substitute a newline characte