I was having problems publishing with 2 projects in the project list.
I tracked it down to the org-publish-files hash table.  All the files
from both projects were mapped to the same project, the last one.
This was caused by org-publish-get-plists.  Below is the modified
version that seems to work nicely for me.

The trick as that plists was getting appended to each time through the
loop which is great for the return value, but the loop over the
content of plists assumed that project applied to all.  This change
uses single to be the current element in plists. The return value
remains the same.

Hope this helps.


(defun org-publish-get-plists (&optional project-name)
 "Return a list of property lists for project PROJECT-NAME.
When argument is not given, return all property lists for all projects."
 (let ((alist (if project-name
                   (list (assoc project-name org-publish-project-alist))
        (project nil)
        (plists nil)
        (single nil)
        (components nil))

   (while (setq project (pop alist))
     ;; what kind of project is it?
     (if (setq components (plist-get (cdr project) :components))
          ;; meta project. annotate each plist with name of enclosing project
          (setq single
                (apply 'append
                       (mapcar 'org-publish-get-plists components)))
        ;; normal project
        (setq single (list (cdr project))))
     (setq plists (append plists single))
     (dolist (p single)
        (let* ((exclude (plist-get p :exclude))
               (files (org-publish-get-base-files p exclude)))
          (dolist (f files)
            (puthash (file-truename f) (car project) org-publish-files)))))

Ed Hirgelt

Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen
and thinking what nobody has thought.

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